The First Time

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Bucky was nearly shaking with fear as he made his way off the private jet that Pepper had ordered him to ride to his family. He had thought carefully about everything, he had a bag full of his weapons and a separate bag with the small amount of things that he had an emotional attachment to along with all of his clothes. His boots were strapped to his feet and he wore a pair of tight, black, cargo pants and a black vest which revealed his metal arm in its entirety. He could already see people staring at it, at him, but they didn't seem afraid so he decided to take that as a good sign.

He bypassed security and hopped over the gate to enter the main lobby and then he began to look around for the two family members that he would be meeting for the first time in his life. It wasn't hard to spot them especially when the girl was running towards him so fast, the man following behind at a fast walk and dragging her suitcase behind him. Bucky barely had time to drop his bags before collecting Bella Swan his Great Great Grandniece in his arms and simply holding her as close as he could, his eyes closed tightly, he spun her once, twice and three times before lowering her back to the ground and looking her over as his hands rested on her shoulders.

Her eyes were brown, dark and swirled like melted chocolate, her hair, just longer than shoulder length, was brown also but it sparkled with undertones of copper. Her nose was narrow and her lips were thin. Her jaw soft and rounded giving her a young appearance. She was wearing a long-sleeved grey t-shirt with a short sleeved red flannel over the top, boot cut jeans and a pair of old sneakers. A hairband kept her hair out of her face.

Bucky smiled, tears in his eyes as he admired her. He drew her close for another hug.

"You are so beautiful." Bucky whispered. He kissed Bella's forehead and smiled at her, nodding as he stood up properly once more and moved around her to greet his Great Grandnephew.

Charlie Swan stood equally as tall as Bucky, his eyes were the same as Bella's and it softened his heart. His hair was cut shorter at the sides and longer on top and it was the same brown as Bella's. His brows were thick and he also hosted a thick moustache on his top lip and stubble on his chin. He was wearing a navy blue chief of police uniform and Bucky's eyes gleamed with pride.

"I'm proud of you." Bucky told the man, drawing him in for a hug. Bucky, who had known war more than any other aspect of life, knew that life itself could be cut too short for men to give a damn about how masculine they looked and so had never had a problem with embracing another man. Charlie, who had not, stood awkwardly for a couple seconds before deciding that the man clinging to him deserved a hug after all he'd been through and pulled him even closer.

"I'm proud of you, son." Charlie patted Bucky's back as the older pulled back to look at him. "You're only 28 to us kiddo, now grab your bags," Charlie released him and stepped away to grab Bella's suitcase again. "I got the squad car waiting in the parking lot, Bella's in the back because we figured that might make you uncomfortable." Bucky nodded, he turned and picked up both of his bag, following after Charlie as he made his way towards big doors on the opposite side of the airport. He turned his head and glanced down at Bella who was glancing between the floor and his flesh hand, he chuckled, passing his weapon bag into his opposite hand with his other hand and stooping low to pick her up and sit her on his shoulders as he had so often done with Morgan.

Bella squealed and laughed, she bent forward to press an upside down kiss against Bucky's forehead.

"I'm never gonna get used to how strong you are." Bella laughed.

"Yeah, you are. I'll never let you forget it, tiny." Bucky chuckled, he patted her leg and sped up a little to walk alongside Charlie just as they made it outside. Bucky hissed at the sight of the squad car but other than that managed to keep the negative connotations of that vehicle in the back of his mind. "You know, tiny, I had a sister who looked a lot like you before the war. Her name was Rebecca and I'm almost certain that you're descended from her."

"I am," Bella responded, happily. "She's my Great Great Grandmother." The young girl sounded proud and it made Bucky's heart swell with happiness.

"Yeah, she was a grand old dame, Rebecca. Woulda slapped me silly if she'd seen how I've turned out." Bucky chuckled softly as he thought of his sister. "How 'bout you pops? Gonna knock me around for not getting in touch sooner?" He asked, jokingly, as he lowered Bella safely to the ground.

Suddenly he felt a hand on his side, digging into one of his many tickle spots with two fingers, he roared out a laugh and jolted away. Turning he stood with his arms at his sides to protect them, Charlie stood slightly crouched as though ready to pounce and Bucky laughed as he sprung into action towards the opposite side of the car. Charlie followed closely, surprisingly fast for a non-modified human being even if Bucky wasn't using his so-called super speed.

With an idea forming in his mind, Bucky looped back around the car and grabbed Bella who he held out in front of him, protecting himself from the torture of tickling as Charlie simply started in on her instead causing her to let out soft peels of laughter which very quickly became wheezing gasps of air.

"Okay, okay." Bucky laughed as he drew his new sister into his chest and rubbed her back soothingly, helping her get her breath back. "I think she's had enough. Shall we head off?" He asked, raising a brow to Charlie who pouted jokingly and muttered about getting him next time.

Meanwhile, Bucky was smiling to himself. A mere couple of weeks ago had someone came for his side without his vision on them first he would've taken their neck in his metal hand and crushed their trachia in a matter of seconds. He was improving, sure it was slow but he was getting somewhere, and he was finally able to feel proud of himself.

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