The beginning

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"Is she here yet? Is she here yet?", Evi jumped around me.

She had really taken a fancy to Luisa. The two days in Spain had already shown that. Evi had hardly left her side, if only because Luisa had braided her hair and sung "Frozen" with her. And Benno also seemed to be enthusiastic about Mick's best friend. He had also asked a few times now when she would finally be there, but had then always disappeared back up to his room.

I had hired Luisa and she was now on her way here with Mick. Last night they had packed all the important things in their apartment and had left. Now they were not far away.

I had to admit that I was nervous.

For one thing, because I still wasn't sure if she was the one. Even though my children really liked her and I felt comfortable around her, I didn't know if she was the right one for the job.

After all, with Tessa I had also believed that she was the right one and before her I had had many more job interviews.

On the other hand, I wasn't sure if it was wise to hire her because I found her very attractive. Just the thought of her sent a shiver down my spine. I really liked her. But I resolved to put those thoughts out of my mind, because if she did a good job here, I really wanted to keep her, because my kids liked her and that was most important.

"She should be here any minute," I nodded to Evi while still flipping through the paper.

It was a pastime, nothing more. I didn't really read what had been written, I just didn't want to allow any thoughts.

The last weeks had been hard. They had cost me enough thoughts and worries and I just hoped that now things were looking up again and Luisa had been the right choice. I just wanted to be able to concentrate on Formula 1 again, because even though I was only driving for Aston Martin at the moment, I had plans to stay and maybe move back to one of the better teams. I was far from finished.

There was still a race to win.

The doorbell rang. Evi immediately jumped into the air, then ran to the door.

"That's Mick and Luisa!" she called from the hallway.

There was also a rumbling upstairs as I walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway. Evi had already reached up to the gate opener and was trying to push the button. I stood behind her, lifted her up a bit and let her press it, while Benno's footsteps could be heard behind us.

Evi opened the front door and waited on the stairs until Mick had parked the car.

He got out grinning broadly and spread his arms "Where is my little princess?" she ran in his direction but then shot past him and ran towards Luisa.

Mick pushed his lower lip forward and looked up at me a little disappointed, but then had to laugh.

"You have to come with me, I got a new Barbie horse from Grandpa and we can play with my dolls and we can paint and...", Evi was already pulling Luisa by the hand with her towards the house.

"Honey, let them arrive first," I laughed and walked towards the two of them.

First I chimed in with Mick, then I walked over to Luisa.

Her eyes sparkled before I gave her a quick hug. Her scent rose to my nose and if we had been alone now, I would surely have pulled her a little closer to me. Instead, though, I let go of her and smiled at her.

"I'm glad you're here. Those two couldn't wait to see you again."

"I really missed them too," she smiled, wrinkling her nose a little.

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