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''And I, by the way, would like to propose a toast.'' Aegon replies. Aemond remains motionless, and my heart in my throat.

Aegon is silent for a moment, looking at everyone at the table. Then his eyes linger on us. ''I would like to raise this toast to my brother and sister, Aemond and Daemera, who have welcomed their daughter into the world.''

I lower my gaze as all eyes are focused on us. I feel like I'm going to faint, and my stomach turns inside out. After he took our daughter as the price for his son's untimely death. How cruel could he be?

That seemed to be the last straw for Aemond. He pounded his fist on the table, making it vibrate and everyone at the table wince. ''You only say what you think we should know. Say, say how you took her from us, say how you keep her as a hostage in revenge for the death of Jaehaerys and Jaehaera. Or should that not be known?''

He looked at Helaena, who hid her sadness behind the back of her eternally emotionless face, and then looked Aegon in the eye.

Daemon seemed to be enjoying himself immensely, he was the only one at the table smiling. Alicent had her forehead and gaze covered by her palms, and Rhaenyra was looking at the two of them with an unreadable stare. Everyone avoided each other's gaze, except my brothers. Aegon did not answer him.

''You don't take me seriously, but I'd slit your throat here and now to know I'm holding her.''

Everyone remained silent. They must have realized the gravity of the situation. I knew Aemond was perfectly capable of keeping his word.

''How would you like to see Helaena crying? Did you even see her cry? Did you ask her if she misses her children? I guess not, because you don't care. Unlike you, I've seen my own wife crying, suffering because of your selfishness.''

I get up from my chair, making it rub against the floorboards. I clear my throat, walking out of the room. Dinner didn't have a pleasant ending, it seems. I try to hold back my tears by not blinking, moving away from the room I've just left.

The hallways were dark, deserted. Dark wings blocked the moonlight for long moments before they became invisible over the castle. I sit on a flower-adorned bench just in front of a stone balcony.

I squeeze my fingers, until they begin to cool and turn red from the frost. I clear my throat, nonchalantly wiping away the tears that fall down my pale cheeks.

Aegon doesn't hesitate to expose us to the whole family. And me...how could I sit at the same table with him, smile, forget about it? It was as if I didn't love Aerena. I allowed myself to relax, but my daughter was still not to be found. I had learned, however, from a whisper from Helaena that Aerena was alive and ''safe''. It was probably something I shouldn't have known, but my sister couldn't have kept it from me. Especially something so important to us as mothers.

''Aegon iksos nykeā vala rūsīr daor prūmia syt gomagho skoros ziry gōntan.'' (Aegon is a man with no heart for doing what he did.)

I turn in the direction from which it was heard. It was a somewhat ironic remark coming from...Daemon? What's he doing here?

''Lo ao issi sylutis naejot jehākogon issa bē, ziry iksos daor botemagon, kepa.'' (I'm not in the mood for this, it's not cheering me up, uncle.)

''Ao pendagon pirta, nyke daor verdagon kirimves hen ao.'' (You think wrong, I'm not making fun of you.)

''Ziry laodigon issa tala sīr olvie buqan. Se nyke istan dēmagon se mōzun rȳ keskydoso qurdon rūsīr zirȳla.'' (He kidnapped my daughter...such cruelty...and I sat and drank at the same table with him).

Daemon sighed, looking up at the dark sky. I look at him, with a neutral gaze. ''Why are we talking in Valyrian?''

''Because you're the only one who speaks it from this side of the family. You and your faithful husband.'' He said the word ''faithful'' in a more forceful tone, not surprising me. ''Have you never thought about your relationship with Aegon?''

''I don't love him, I'm married to Aemond.''

''I know.'' He replies, quietly. ''That's not what I meant. I meant the grudge you bear him, your hatred of him.''

I sit in silence, trying to understand. Then I do. I've never adored Aegon, perhaps, come to think of it. I didn't have him at heart, but I didn't hate him either. But a feeling of restraint made me never look upon him kindly. And the fact that, as children, we fought, hit, threatened each other, gave me even more clues towards realizing something even more important.

I never loved him. I didn't consider him my brother, but my enemy. He wasn't my big brother, who helped me, who helped us when we were in trouble. He wasn't close to us when we were suffering, he was more concerned with what girl he was going to have in his bed that night.

But then there's the other, hidden side of Daemon's attempt to approach me on the subject. He has always been loyal to Rhaenyra and to the fact that she is the true ruler of the Realm. Once married, only one step separated him from becoming King Consort. But his dreams were shattered when the throne was passed on to Aegon. And he also knew he had supporters among his subjects, but not in the royal family. He knew that the only ''important pawns'' opposing Aegon's reign were Aemond and I, his siblings, and we did not hesitate to point this out.

I look at him. He doesn't notice me. Is he trying to manipulate me? He certainly is. Talking about Aerena's abduction and the suffering of others was not his forte. But he'd do it gladly if it meant he'd have the upper hand at the end of the conversation.

''Tell me, Uncle, what do you really want? I know you don't mourn my daughter's disappearance willingly.''

Daemon turns, looking at me with narrowed eyes. ''I can help you get your daughter back.''

I soften my glare, which was deadly serious, remaining silent for a few moments. ''How?''

''There's a price, though.'' He continues. ''You ally yourself with us and recognize Rhaenyra as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, and I solemnly promise you you are to carry your daughter in your arms again.''

I remain in a daze, but I manage to recover. ''You ask me to start a war and wash away the peace that has just been created.''

''If your hatred for Aegon is so strong, you would accept it without remorse. Besides, peace is just a facade. I believe we both know that.''

I look away. I had to agree. Aegon didn't agree to this peace in the first place. He was content just to inherit the throne and that was that. Me, far from it. I knew it wouldn't last, I knew it wasn't stable. And I knew I didn't like it. Now, to hear Daemon say it seemed to give my thoughts voice.

''Does Rhaenyra know about... your proposal?''

This time, he doesn't answer, slowly walking off down the intuited hallway from where he probably emerged.

A Targaryen Game - Aemond x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now