Chapter seventeen - unexpected morning

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I wake up with a horrible pain in my lower abdomen, opening my eyes I realized that this form does indeed have a period... I am Fucked.

I feel the tears cloud my eyesight but I push them back as I do not wish to cry, Lifting up an involuntary whimper escapes me as I sit up completely.

I'm already tired and I just woke up.

I see Alci across the room sitting at her vanity and she glances up at me after smelling the air.

She looks at me with sympathy, Coming over to help me out of bed and preparing me a bath without even saying anything which I'm very grateful for.

" I can tell you are in pain mi amor, I'll go grab you some things and help out a bit more so you don't have to move as much," she says as she grabs my towels.

God why does she have to be so Perfect and so helpful.

I don't deserve her

I don't want her worrying about me i'll be just fine ... i think

i haven't had one of these in a long time and i've forgotten the pain it causes in each form.

I don't even notice her coming back into the room until I feel light hands going throught my hair , Pulled out my head I look up and her and give a thankful smile with tears clouding my eyes as I've never been treated like this. Not even from my parents...

I feel the tears falling down my face and I just couldn't hold back anymore, She finishes cleaning me and wraps me up, bringign me to the bedroom.

Helping me with my clothing items as I am not capable of doing it, after she's done she continues to cuddle and hold me as i try to calm down. Whispering sweet nothing in my ears and rocking us back and forth.

"My love you will be just fine within time, I'm going to try my best to help you through it but your gonna have to tell me what you need! Can you do that for me darling?"

I look at her with teary eyes and smile nodding as she smiles and holds me closer.

Getting comfortable in her arms as usual I feel her start to rub around my belly and scratch my scalp with felt so good I didn't want her to stop.

I guess reading my mind she continues and I feel myself getting eased out the pain and I start to feel a little better.

I look at her and it looks like she's holding back.

" is the scent bothering you? I don't want you to be uncomfortable "

She looks at me a little shocked but tried to hide it.

"It does get to me but I can handle it darling, it's a little tempting but... I can handle it "

She doesn't seem too sure as to she can really 'handle it ' but I guess she's trying.

After what is seems like forever the sun is finally out shining as bright as ever, too bad it's still cold and the girls can't go out even thought it looks Soo pretty and warm.

I lift myself up slightly to realize I actually haven't ate yet and my stomach decides to speak up, growling I hear Alcina chuckling and a small smirk appears.

"It seems like it's time to eat darling and your stomach can agree with me, I'll bring some food up if your not feeling up to it to eat at the table"

"It's fine I feel alright at the moment I'll join you"

I get up and walk over to the door sliding on some shoes and we link our arms together.

We make our way you the dining room and see that lunch time is about to start, hearing the girls head down we decided to sit down.

Eventually the girls got here, betting $20 that they were probably trying to ease drop but heard nothing.

C: hola chica
A: Cassandra !
C: what I was just joking
B: your always doing something
D: mom what's a demon child

Everything just happened so fast and next thing I know there's a whole screaming match between the girls.

"That's ENOUGH! " she yells

Everything is silent only thing you could hear was our breathing, it's very tense in here.

" we have only been in here for 4 minutes and 39 seconds and there already yelling and screaming, we are gonna be silent until the food comes out and if I hear a single peep everyone is getting it. Am I clear!!"

You could tell she mean business and I was even silent and kinda turned on but I was hoping nobody could tell.

There was an awkward silence and then the food comes out, there is just the sound of chewing and the clattering sound of plates and silverware scrapping against each other.

Well that's was a eventful Lunch...

Wait why is she looking at me like that ...
"You alright here babe?"
Thank you all for continuing to read my story and I hope you like this outcome of this book in the future:)
870 words :)

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