Chapter thirteen➖

Start from the beginning

"English, then it's Biology." I told him. He nodded, and continued to nibble on his bottom lip.

We stood in silence for a good minute and a half, and that's when a thought popped up in my head. I turned to look at Niki, who seemed to have zoned out while staring at the floor.

"Niki..." I softly called him, making him look up. "Do you wanna watch the k drama that Solar is in?"

Niki flashed his rectangular shaped smile, and vigorously nodded his head. "Of course! I've been wanting to watch it but I just couldn't find the right time to."

I smiled. "Great! But when will we watch it?"

"Your brother invited me to dinner this weekend. Maybe we could watch it then?" 

"He did what?!" I shouted, my eyes widening as I stared at him in disbelief.

"MIN YONG!!" Someone called from afar, catching both our attention.

"Oh, Hyewon! Hey!" Niki brightly smiled, waving his hand, however Hyewon only glanced at him, and muttered a soft 'hey' before facing me.

"Yah, we need to get to class. You have English right?" Hyewon asked, nibbling on her bottom lip.

"Yes I do. Do you?"

"Yup. We're in the same class." She answered, and I immediately smiled.

"Niki, I'll talk to you later okay." I smiled, patting his shoulder and walking behind Hyewon.


"Lift with your back, not with your legs!!" Mrs Lee yelled from across the room. We all groaned, secretly giving her annoyed and dirty looks.

It has been two freaking hours of setting up for the party, and two hours of Mrs Lee bossing us around and yelling at us every five seconds. She barely gave us at least a five minute break, which only made us grumpier because none of us hadn't eaten yet. And to make matters worse(for me), my ankle had been terribly aching for two hours, and may I remind you that I never got the chance to sit down.

I nearly stumbled as I carried a huge, heavy box filled with decorations, exerting more pressure onto my I hired ankle. I let out a whine, and tried adjusting the way I was holding the box.

"Let me help you." He said, quickly, and effortlessly, taking the box from my hands.

"No Haru you don't have to. I got it." I tried taking the box from him, but he dodged me, and walked ahead of me to where I was supposed to place the box. I limped after him, watching as he slowly placed the box on the floor.

"Piece of cake!" Haru clapped his hands, then looked at me and smiled.

"Thanks Haru." I playfully rolled my eyes, then smiled.

"Alright students I think we've done enough for today!" Mrs Lee announced, and we all scoffed.

"We? The SRC did all the work and she practically just sat on her ass the entire afternoon." Minji Unnie softly said, making Haru and I giggle.

"You may all go home now. You all did well!" She smiled.

We all scurried out the gym hall and sighed in relief. I scanned the small crowd of students, until my eyes landed on three girls who were patiently waiting by the school's entrance door while happily chatting with each other.

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