Chapter °ONE°

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"Oh God..." Danielle groaned as she placed a hand on her lower back while grimacing. "My back is so sore..." She complained, pretending to cry.

"My everything is sore!" Hanni piped up, leaning against the locker next to mine with droopy eyes. "Our PE teacher showed us no remorse today." She said, staring into space as she thought about the events of the previous lesson where Mr Choi, our PE teacher, had the entire class do the most difficult training routines as though they were part of the South Korean military.

"Were the exercises that bad??" I raised my eyebrows in shock, questioning them.

"It was hell!" Danielle's voice was brittle, you'd swear she was about to cry. "I don't think I'll be able to recover from this." She said, her voice thick with an Aussie accent.

"Same!" Hanni breathed.

"Yong..." Danielle lazily placed a hand on my shoulder. "You better prepare yourself for that PE lesson because Choi won't go easy on you." She warned me, pointing her finger right in my face and I vigorously nodded my head, taking her warning very seriously considering how wrecked they were. I pictured myself doing the exercise routines that Mr Choi would give us, and shuddered at the thought, because I was completely out of shape. With my chubby-ness, I highly doubt I'd be able to survive the first five minutes of doing those exercises.

The sound of the bell buzzed throughout the hallway, indicating that the second lesson has just begun.

"Well we gotta go. We'll see you at break!" Danielle weakly says as she gently tugs Hanni's arm and flings it across her shoulders. She puts her arm around Hanni's shoulders as well, and I watch them both limp towards their next class while painfully grunting.

"See ya later!" I chuckled.

As I continued to hurriedly stack my books inside my locker and swapping textbooks, I felt a soft tap on my shoulder and a husky voice whispering the words "excuse me" a little too close to my ear.

"AHH!" I shrieked and flinched in fright, immediately whipping around and staring up at the person who gave me a fright with widened eyes. I placed a hand on my chest and took a massive deep breath in, then out to calm myself down. "Gosh you scared me!" I said, still processing how shockingly deep his voice was. Especially at his age!

"Oh..." The boy nervously chuckled. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." He smiled, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck.

"It's okay." I nodded.

We remained in a ponderous silence, the two of us assessing each other out of curiosity. My gaze travelled from his neck where a few tiny moles sat, to right on his chin where another one had been. His jawline razor sharp with his lips looking soft and plump. The dim lights of the school hallway complimented his milky skin very well, which made him look even more ethereal. More like an angel who just descended from heaven...a sight for sore eyes. And I thought...

God really does have favourites, doesn't he?

"Um..." The boy finally spoke, his husky yet gentle voice cutting through the heavy silence like a knife. "You're Min Yong, right?" He asked.

I raised my eyebrows, surprised that he knew who I was considering the fact that I've never seen him around school before. "How do you know my name? Have we met before?" I questioned him.

"I was told you were part of our grade's Student Representative Council and that I should ask you to help me around the school. I'm new. I arrived today." He warmly smiled, and I could tell he was trying his best not to seem nervous. But I caught on too quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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