Chapter five➖

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The next day...

I sighed, lazily placing my books back in my locker, my eyes feeling heavy.

Last night, after eating dinner, my dear older brother forced me to watch a movie marathon. That's right, a marathon.

We watched more than twenty, long ass movies that night, without taking a break or getting up to go to the bathroom. I struggled, not only to keep my eyes open, but to hold in a hell of a lot of pee. I'm surprised my bladder hasn't ripped or burst yet.

Hyewon, on the other hand, hadn't responded to my text message. Ever since I told her about me taking Niki to the river, she suddenly changed and hasn't really spoken to me properly. Like this morning. I saw her, she saw me, we made eye contact, yet nothing. No hi, no hugs, just...nothing. We basically ignored each other's existence and I wondered why. Perhaps she was jealous about my developing friendship with Nishimura Riki? Perhaps she felt replaced?

Just as I was about to pack my last book, a hand aggressively slammed my locker shut, causing me to flinch and gasp. I looked to my right, to find a rather agitated Hyewon glaring at me.

"Hyewon what he heck-"

"Am I being replaced?" She asked, immediately cutting me off.

Aaaand there it was. I knew it!

"What are you talking about?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Am. I. Being. Replaced. By. The. Japanese. Exchange. Student. Min. Yong??" She asked, her tone becoming more serious and a bit too loud with every word she pronounced.

"Replaced? Why would you think that??" I asked, fighting the urge to literally laugh in her face and tell her that she's being absolutely stupid right now.

Hyewon sighed, rolling her eyes. "You hung out with him yesterday-"

"Only because he offered to take me out. I couldn't reject his offer, it would be rude. And besides, we did ask if you wanted to come with but you said no-"

"Fine, you're always giving him attention and leaving me behind-"

"He's new to the school. It's my job to show him around. He's not really used to Seoul. And when have a ever left you behind Hyewon?!" I frowned.

"FINE! THE RIVER! Yong, you vowed to never tell anyone else about that river, our river! You said it was only meant for Yoongi, you and I. Now Niki?! Seriously?!" She yelled and I could see the tears forming in her eyes.

And that's when it hit me. I couldn't believe I forgot about the one promise I made to my dear best friend. I broke it, and now she feels hurt. I was too stupid to realise that.

"Hyewon, I'm sorry." I took a step closer to her, taking her hands in mine and watching as a single tear flow from her eye. "I'd never replace you. Never in my life would I think about that, ever. You mean the world to me, you're my best friend, sister, actually. I wouldn't trade you for the world." I smiled.

I wiped the tear from her eye, and she shyly smiled. "I lub you." I said.

She laughed. "I lub you too."

"So, about Niki..." I carefully said. "Would you mind him joining our small circle?"

Hyewon squinted, biting her lip. "I'll allow it. But if he tries anything I'm kicking his ass." She chuckled.

"Tries what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Pulls a Seo Yeon. If he ever tries that I'm beating his ass, and I won't be gentle." She rolled her eyes, then smiled.

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