Will you wait me out

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"You know one day I'm gunna be your opening band"
"Just my opening band? You should strive higher than that!"
"OH I know but I'm being realistic considering I don't have a band yet and here you are at warped tour"
I chuckle "OK fair enough I look forward to it Noah"
"So do I Savannah"

My phone rings waking me up from my nap

"Hi! Is this Savannah from together we stand?"
"It sure is! How can I help you?"
"Well I heard you were looking for an opening band for your upcoming tour. I have this band here Bad Omens-"
"Sounds great they're in!"
"Are you sure? You don't need time to consider?"
"Nope I'll check them out later I'm sure they'll be great"
"Alright well I'll let them know! It was wonderful speaking with you Savannah"
"Like wise"

     Maxxie peaks her head into the door frame and slowly enters the room
"Who was that on the phone?"
"You know I never got her name but I think she's someone manager/promoter she said there was a band called Bad Omens that wanted to be our opener"
"And you just accepted without checking them out first?"
"Well I'm gunna check them out right now!" I shout jumping out of bed and grabbing my lap top putting spotify on
"You know you don't have to rush into everything right?
"Yea I know but I refuse to change who I am" Maxxie just sighs and rolls her eyes at me as I click on their album
"Ooh a self titled album for their first album that's bold. I like it"
"Sounds like this band is a perfect match already, here let's just listen to Glass Houses" I press play and turn the volume up to 100 soon the apartment is flooded with music "OH my gosh! I made the right call these guys will vibe just right on tour with us!"
"Great job you got lucky come on Sav we're gunna be late for band practice"

*first day of tour*

     "Come on slow pokes! I wanna meet the bands!" I shout running off the bus into the parking lot "Sav! We barely parked the bus hold on!" Damian shouts after me soon sprinting after me "I'm sorry it's just The Amity Affliction is our co head liner and I wanna meet Bad Omens" Damian just gives me a soft smile and gentle push "Go, be crazy meet the bands we'll catch up eventually"
     I nod and take off to the center of the lot  "It's good to see you again Savannah. I told you I'd be your opener one day" I turn around and see a face I haven't seen in about 4 years small tears pooled in the corners of my eyes. I could feel my throat tighten and butterflies formed in my stomach I ran into my old friend's arms and he welcomed me in a warm embrace
     "Noah! I can't believe it!" His arms tightened around me "I can" I looked up at him my vision being flooded with tears Noah gently wiped my tears away "Why are you crying it's just me" Noah said just smiling at me "I just can't believe this is actually happening" I said sniffling and smiling up at him "I also can't believe it's been 4 years" Noah let out a small chuckle "Well believe it cause here we are" he said grabbing my hand "Come on let's meet up with The Amity Affliction" soon the rest of mine and Noah's band catches up and we're all talking about how great this tour will be and how excited we all are to be with each other it was great until my phone alarm went off "3:30 time for sound check! Sorry guys it's been fun but now it's time for business catch you all later!" I say giving Noah and Ahren small side hugs and gentle waves to everyone else as my band and I head off to the stadium for sound checks

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