"You already look like Barbarella. What's the difference?" The man relied, in a matter-of-fact way. "Go in there, get dressed. Thank you. Thank you, Sam."

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Whilst the palaver continued backstage, Mr Poppy was in charge of the play's narrator. He was having a great time, dressed as an angel on a swing, suspended in the air.

But halfway through his speech, he was cut off. Gordon Shakespeare had marched onto the stage, stopping the performance altogether.

"Stop. Stop everyone!"

"Mary had to run..." Mr Poppy did his best to continue, but he was finding it increasingly difficult.

"Stop! You shut up!" He jabbed a finger towards the man. "Stop! Stop, everyone! That will do. Okay, that's the end. Stop! I'll have that, please. Give me that."

He snatched the microphone from the teaching assistants hands, and grimaced as he looked upon the crowd of parents.

"Right, my names Gordon Shakespeare. Just telling you now, you thought you were here to see Hollywood. Same reason you're here, to meet those people. Not to see this substandard chav fest! It falls upon me to tel you that no one was coming from Hollywood! No one was coming and nobody will! That man, is a sham!" He pointed a finger towards Mr Maddens now, though he was in the wings. "As if Hollywood would come to Coventry! No! Look at him! He's a dishonest person. He lied."

"Sorry..." Robin apologised meekly as she glided onto the stage. "I just..." her fist flew towards Gordon's face. "I've wanted to do that for bloody years, you insufferable coward."

"You absolute-"

"Look." Mr Poppy pointed up to the sky in awe.

There was a faint light in the sky that began to grow with the few seconds it was visible for. The whirring of spinning propellers was overpowering. It was a helicopter.

Robin grinned as she ran off the stage and back into the wings.

Mr Poppy exclaimed, and the children cheered. "It's Hollywood! Ladies and Gentlemen, May I please introduce to you the star of Bethlehem and her sparkling sparklers."

Mr Poppy was pulled from the stage by his harness and Shakespeare trudged off, like a stroppy child. It was rather hilarious.

When Paul saw Robin again, he began to fret over the state of her hand, but she was okay. Even though she protested against it, he wrapped a bandage around her skin so that she wasn't inclined to use it so much.

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After all of the work that Sadie had put into making Sparkle and Shine a great performance, it certainly paid off. The entire number went off without a hitch. However, they could enjoy it as much as they wanted to because of the musical extravaganza that was directly after it.

It was the wise men boyband song, which meant there was a lot of eyeliner being used as fake tattoos.

As they were going that, Mr Poppy rushed into the room, excited. More so than he should have been.

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