Ashley and Niall

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Ashley's POV

"He can be such a jerk sometimes!" I said to Natalie.

"Yeah I know. Why does he always make fun of you? He makes fun of your clothes and hair and everything!" Natalie said.

"I don't know..."

Do you think he likes you?

I don't know I never thought about that...

Well don't guys usually be mean to girls if they have a crush on them?

I think so but that is only sometimes.. sometimes they are just being jerks...

Well I think he might actually like you considering that you both have know eachother since kindergaten.

Do you really think so?

Yeah I have sometimes seen him look at you.

Well he was probably just looking at me to come up with something he could say to me like what's up with your outfit it looks like someone just threw up on it.

PPPSSHHH!!! Like he would say that to you!

He could say that to me if he wanted to.... I don't think he likes me.....

Oh come on! Stop thinking so negatively!

Sorry it's just why would a guy like him the most popular boy in the whole 10th grade like me!? I'm just an average 10th grader....

It could be possible that he could like you and HEY! Nothings wrong with being just an average 10th grader!

I guess he could like me and yeah nothings wrong with being an average 10th grader.

Yup! So hey do you wan't to go get some frozen yogurt? I have been wanting frozen yogurt ever since this morning my mom got the mail and there was a coupon for frozen yogurt.

Okay sure why not!?

So we went to get frozen yogurt and as usual I get the Strawberry Tart with Peanut Butter Cup yogurt. Then I get the cookie dough pieces for toppings and I add rasberries to my yogurt toppings too. As we sat down to eat the frozen yogurt after we paid for it Niall the most popular cutest boy in the 10th grade walks into the frozen yogurt place with two of his friends. Niall looks staright at me and winks.

EEEKKKK!!!! Ashley did you just see that! He winked at you!

I KNOW HE DID!!! Maybe you're right maybe he actually does like me!

After Niall and his two friends, Justin and David paid for all 3 of the frozen yogurt they sat down at the table right in front on me and Natalie. Then every so often they would look back at us. They sometimes whispered and sometimes they would have normal conversations. Then during one of their whispering conversations Niall looked back and looked staright at me and winked or well I'm pretty sure he looked straight at me...

Oh my gosh Ashley he winked at you again!!! He for sure likes you!!!

Do you really think so?

Yes I know so! Well I'm just guessing but I think I'm right!

Yeah I think he likes me too! He has winked at me two times since he has been here!

When me and Natalie finished our yogurt we through our trash away but since Niall, Justin, and David hadn't left yet we decided to get some fruit flavored water that they have in the frozen yogurt place for people to drink. So we just went back to our table and after we got some water and just sat there talking but not to loud so we could try to hear Niall's, Justin's, and David's conversation with eachother. So after Niall and his friends finished their yogurt they whispered to eachother and got some water too. I think that they did that on purpose because if Niall does like me then he would probably try to stay around as long as we were. So after we were done with drinking a few cups of water we got up threw out trash away and walked out the door then me and Natalie walked slowly and looked back to see what Niall and his friends did. They actaully got up and threw their cups of water away and they came outside too. Then me and Natalie both looked away really fast so it didn't see like we were watching them and they caught up with us....

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