The Same Dorm

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Kang-Joon pov:

Sigh I have to change my outfit and get a new coffee..can this day get any worst!? *mind* I will just find my dorm and change quickly and call Quinn again because she hasn't called ever since* he looks around the the dorms, 91..92..93..94..95 finally!
He opens the door slowly seeing a handsome boy with pretty hands and black hair.Hey I'm Kang-joon I'm guessing we are roomates? Kang-Joon said smiling. Ah yep i guess we are.. wait aren't you the guy from earlier? Osara replied, ah your the boy who spilled my coffee.. Kang-Joon sigh.Sorry about that but aye let me help you unpack as a apology! Osara said with a big smile on his face. Kang-joon smiled back at him and replied, Alright then but let me get a new outfit since I have all coffee on this one.
He walks into the bathroom and changes into a blue hoodie with white pants.

He walks into the bathroom and changes into a blue hoodie with white pants

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Kang-Joons outfit:

He walks out of the bathroom, That's a cute outfit but I should change too I have all sweat from this one, Osara laughs.Osara walks into the bathroom and changes into a green jacket and hoodie with black pants.

Osara walks into the bathroom and changes into a green jacket and hoodie with black pants

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Osara's outfit:

Kang-joon smiles, that is a decent outfit.Thanks let's unpack and go for a coffee how does that sound? Osara said. Well if your paying then I'm down! Kang-Joon reply's.
They unpack and walk out of the dorm talking until kang-joon girlfriend rang.

Quinn:Hey babe how is college?!

Kang-Joon: Ah yeah it's great but uh who called you honey when we were on call earlier?

Quinn: Ah no one don't worry but tell me more about college?

Kang-joon stops and reply's

Kang-Joon: Why do you keep trying to change the subject?

Quinn: Huh I'm not?

Kang-Joon:Well if it's no one then why can't you tell me who this "no one" is?

Quinn: Because it isn't a big deal!!

Kang-joon: if it isn't a big deal then tell me?

Quinn: Ugh I'm going with my boy best friend bye.

Quinn hangs up.

Kang-Joon stops smiling and says, hey uh. My name is Osara but keep going, Osara laughs, You can just go by yourself to get coffee my mood isn't the greatest right now so I might pass.. Kang-joon walks away until.Hey you know I'm only getting coffee for you so if you don't want any then I don't need to go at all, Osara exclaims, Well go to the cafe or the convient store or whatever.. I just wanna be alone right now,Kang-joon frowns.

Osara pov:

Kang-Joon is something wrong I mean you seemed upset ever since that person called you.. Osara said with a worried face. it's none of your business I knew you for a couple of hours don't act like we are friends, kang-joon said while holding back his tears and  runs back to his dorm.*Mind* What did I do? Did I make him uncomfortable I mean I thought things were great between us..* the first person to not know who I am hates me, sigh.Osara walks around the building until a bunch of people come running up to him asking for photos,autographs and even videos. Hey guys uh I can't take any photos with you all or sign anything so i will just pose and let you guys take a photo of me at once.They all blush as they see him pose for them, they all run away after they finished.Osara walks around until someone runs up to him and confesses. Hey Osara you may not know I exist but back in high school I had a huge crush on you and uh.. I still do so maybe me and you can try and you know.. date? The polite girl says with excitement .I'm sorry but I'm not interested but I hope you find someone soon. He smiles and walks off.He walks back to the dorm staring at his phone and walks in to see Kang-Joon crying while looking at his phone.Hey Kang-Joon is everything okay? Osara speaks, n-no my girlfriend just broke up with me after 5 years of being together,Kang-Joon continues to cry but suddenly says, I'm sorry I look like a fool don't I? I'm 20  and crying over a.. girl. Nah don't worry about it your not a fool it's normal Kang-Joon and I'm sure you will find someone who will love you soon so forget that girl. Osara smiles and hugs him tight.. Kang-Joon hugs him back and they fall asleep in each other's arms.

That is the end of chapter two, I hope this was good enough for you all to read.

Thank you all so much for reading and I will post chapter three soon<3

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