Harvesting was a group effort. They needed to take advantage of the "nice" weather as Mavis termed it. Nice weather for Niebla was a brutal day for Lyra. It was so foggy here, so dim most of the days it was a wonder any crops grew.

After dinner that evening they kept to the fireside as was the new growing custom. Henry was falling into place here, learning the daily routines. Mavis was knitting in her chair again. Wilkin was reading a book aloud to them, using the fire as his light source.

Unable to stay away from her any longer, Henry discreetly moved his rocking chair closer to Mavis. Her head remained forward but her eyes watched him as he moved the chair until it was as close as it could be to hers. She sucked her cheeks in to keep from smiling, and remained dutifully engrossed in her needlework.

Henry got comfortable in his chair, listening to Wilkin as he read the story. He was getting better, even in the short time Henry had been with them. Wilkin was a fast learner and Henry admired his dedication to improving in various aspects of his life. He was a curious boy, always asking questions and making Henry think hard.

When Mavis ran out of yarn, she let her work sit in her lap as she listened to her younger brother read. Henry took his opportunity and slid his hand over until it barely grazed hers. She froze, but didn't pull away. Her gaze remained forward as his fingers lightly traced over her knuckles and fingers, causing the hair on her arms to stand on end. He could tell she was struggling to remain composed. Although she appeared to be listening intently to Wilkin's story, he was sure had he asked her what it was about she would draw a blank.

In fact, it took both of them several minutes before they even realized he had stopped reading, and was instead snoring softly with the book on his face.

"Wilkin," Mavis whispered affectionately as she watched her brother sleeping peacefully. "He always falls asleep when he reads. I should have brought his cot over for him."

Henry stood up and Mavis eyed him curiously as he went over and picked up Wilkin's cot, bringing it over to where Wilkin lay at the fire. It wasn't heavy and he was lifting heavier items each day, challenging himself.

Wilkin was on the floor, so Henry had to squat low to the ground, placing his hands gently underneath of the sleeping child. He was careful not to wake him.

"Henry, don't," Mavis warned, "you shouldn't be lifting."

He ignored her and picked Wilkin up, the boy only shifting slightly underneath him as he transferred him over to the cot. He grabbed some blankets and placed a pillow under his head, rubbing the boy's hair for a brief moment. He was fond of Wilkin, he couldn't deny that. If it came down to it, Henry would gladly give his life for the boy.

He had an impulse to place a peck on the child's forehead, but resisted. Mavis was very strict when it came to her brother. He didn't want to upset her in any way. Instead he stood back up and made his way back over to Mavis.

She was staring at him strangely, and he wondered what she was thinking. She shook his gaze and quickly grabbed more yarn from the basket to her right. She began joining the two strands of yarn, busying herself for distraction.

Henry moved around her, positioning himself directly behind her chair. For a minute he watched her work. Her shoulders were tense and he could tell she was hyperaware of his presence. Waiting for him to do something. To touch her.

For once her hair was down, falling around her shoulders. Gently, Henry gathered her hair to one side and began rubbing her shoulders. They were tense at first, rigid, but relaxed after a moment. She dropped her needlework as he continued, rubbing the knots free from her upper back.

Never before had he given anyone a massage. The desire had never struck him until now. He had been on the receiving end of nearly a thousand massages in his lifetime, so he had an idea of what to do. He knew what felt good and what didn't.

With all her hard work, Mavis deserved to be pampered and doted on. She closed her eyes as he continued. He could feel her relaxing, watched as her breathing slowed down. They didn't say anything to each other, didn't speak. The only sound was the crackling fire and Wilkin's soft breathing.

Henry bent down until his head was close to hers. He leaned in close, breathing her in. She made a soft noise of contentment, her cheeks barely flushing. The urge to scoop her up into his arms and take her into the other room was undeniable. But he wasn't sure what she felt for him yet. He wanted her to decide, wanted to hear her say the words.

He kissed her neck once, then slowly stood back up, still massaging her shoulders. She turned slowly in her chair until she could face him. Her eyes searched his and she stood up. She moved around the chair until she was directly in front of him.

Slowly, she grabbed his hand and carefully placed it on her chest. "My heart is racing," she whispered. Henry leaned in, his hand above her breast, feeling the rapid beat of her heart.

Henry closed his eyes and regret filled him. He was pushing her too fast. He didn't want this for her. He wanted her to want him when she was ready. "I can stop," he offered softly.

Mavis frowned, her brow-line creasing. He was misinterpreting her. She looked like she was about to speak, but instead leaned forward and onto her tiptoes until she was a breath away from his face. She stopped at his lips, making him wait for it, then pressed into him, kissing him deeply. He wrapped his arms around her in response, pulling her even closer. She clung to him too, her hand finding its way into his hair.

They melted into each other blissfully until a loud pop of the fire made them stop. They pulled away, making sure Wilkin didn't stir, then looked back at each other, both smiling widely. Mavis laughed, clamping a hand over her own mouth to keep from waking Wilkin.

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