"Yeah, but I'm a little nervous."

"Don't be. You two love each other. I'm sure she's going to love the ring and say yes."

"I hope so." As I grabbed some more syrup, I felt a presence come up to our table. I thought it was the waitress checking up on us, but it was actually Eva.

"So, this is where you are."

"Baby, what are you doing here?" Daniel got up to embrace, but she put up her hand and pushed him back.

"Don't touch me. I can't believe you."

"What are you talking about?"

"I trusted you only to find out that you've been sneaking around town with Nicole. My friend warned me about your recent escapades, but I thought she was lying and being jealous but she was right."

"Eva, you're getting it all wrong. We were just—."

"Nicole, don't even try to cover this up! You shameless wh*re."

"Excuse me?" Did she just call me out of my name?

"Don't you have a man? You think I didn't see the text messages, talking about how y'all needed to meet up so he could come see the best he'll ever see. You've just been pretending to be Little Miss Goody Two Shoes?"

"Now Eva, that's enough! I'm not going to stand here and watch you attack Nicole for no good reason. What has gotten into you?" At this point, we caught the attention of the entire restaurant. I was so embarrassed of being yelled at and falsely accused of sleeping with somebody's man in public.

"The fact that you've sleeping with her for the past month under my nose! You thought I wouldn't find out?"

"Find out what? Nicole and I have never slept together or even kissed. Is it a crime for a guy to have female friends? All I was doing was taking her out for breakfast."

"For what? Since when do y'all go out alone?"

"I brought her here to show her my appreciation."

"For opening her legs? I should slap you right now."

"Shut the f*ck up Eva. Nicole has been nothing but a friend to you. She's been helping me plan my proposal to you. I was taking her out to eat to thank her and she brought me the ring."


"Yeah, I was planning on proposing to you tonight but it's clear that's the wrong move because there's something wrong with your head. You just walked in here and started insulting us, making a scene. Let me ask you, did you see anything incriminating in those messages?" All you could hear was crickets. Daniel was fuming, Eva was crying, and I was numb and getting up from the table like I should have when this argument first started. "That's what I thought. Nicole, I'm so sorry about this."

"It's not your fault. I think it's better if I just take my leave. Thank you Eva for this show. I won't forget it in a hurry."

"Nicole, I'm so so sorry. I don't know what came over me." I didn't even look in Eva's direction as she tried to apologize to me. B*tch please.

"Excuse me."

"Are you happy now? Nicole!" Daniel called out to me, but I already stepped out of the building and was unlocking my car. I was not turning back.

I texted Daniel that I wasn't mad at him and I was fine. I just didn't feel like talking. Eva called me seven times before I decided to block her. I need to cool off before we can speak.

I'm still going to the warehouse because I have things I need to finish up. Today is our campaign day so we're shooting our upcoming commercial and promo photos.

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