Chapter 2

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The sound of the twigs breaking and leaves crunching echoed all around him. There was nowhere for him to go. Where was he even going? He had no one. No one near here anyway. Mother and father and Emily were miles and miles away. How could he reach them? Oh why did he think this was a good idea?

At last the endless forest came to an end. He could see a shed, or at least the roof of a shed. Over the top of that wall. If only he could get over it.

Slowly he threw himself against the wall and pulled with all his might. He hoisted himself onto the top of the wall and looked around. It was at the back of an old house. He didn't recognise it.

Slowly he eased himself off of the wall and landed inside the small garden. He crept towards the shed and found not a keyhole, but a latch. He slid the latch aside and crept in. He found that the shed was filled with food and drinks beyond anything he'd ever seen.

He took a few bottles of beer and some bread rolls and cheese. He was just removing his jacket to use as a blanket when he heard a noise. He ran outside , locked the door and ran around the back of the shed. He listened but heard only one set of footsteps. Whoever was there was taking their time.

At last they moved off. He thought it was better he stayed around the back of the shed until nightfall. Until then he would try and sleep. The nightmares always came when he slept but he couldn't remember how long it had been since he had been able to close his eyes for more than a few minutes. So, he threw his jacket over himself to act as a blanket and closed his eyes.

The sound of guns and explosions echoed from all around. The smoke was dense and he could barely see the trigger on his gun. Voices rang out, but he couldn't make out the words. All he could make out in the smoke were his hands trembling. Suddenly he looked to his right as a loud groan reached his ear. "EDDIE!" He called out. But there was no reply.

Keeping low he crawled to his friend's side. He placed a hand under Eddie's nose but there was nothing. He looked at Eddie's chest. All was still. Another voice rang out. "THEY'RE OFF AGAIN!"

He knew what that meant but for a few moments he couldn't bear to leave his friend's side. "STUART MOVE," Their leader shouted. Still he didn't move. Not until he felt a hand pulling him from his friend. "DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME STUART I SAID MOVE."

"SORRY SIR" he shouted back.

He turned and saw them, running towards them. Around fifty of them in all. All with guns waiting, aimed at their heads. One pull of the trigger and the whole lot of them would be dead.

"STUART FIRE" their leader screamed.

He reached for his gun and aimed it at the soldier who was running for him. He didn't know where he was shooting at. He just turned his head away and pulled the trigger. A loud bang made him turn as the figure fell. "HANS" a voice from nearby shouted and began running towards the victim. Another one of the men shot him too and he fell beside Hans.

At last most of them were dead or had retreated. There was no more smoke. No sound. Nothing. Just the smell of blood in the air. "GOOD JOB MEN," their leader called "RETURN TO BASE."

They all stood and slowly climbed down into the trench. A hand fell on his shoulder again. "Nice one Alex" James said. But Alex didn't think it was a 'nice one'. He had killed a man. A man who may have had a wife, or a family to go back to. There was no way he would ever forgive himself for what he had done to that man. He would make sure he repented. He would make himself pay for what he had done when this war was over.

He awoke with a jump. He was breathing heavily. Alex knew he could never return to the frontline. He could not bear to have another man's blood on his hands. He already hated himself for what he had done to Hans. Heaven knows how many more he would kill when he returned to the battlefield. That was why he had run.

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