𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 ⎯⎯⎯⎯ "ɢᴏᴏᴅ" ɴᴇᴡꜱ

Start from the beginning

"You. This whole situation. You're
crazy If you think I'd ever marry a sick bastard like you" She snarled, her anger taking full control.

A sharp pain instantly crawled it's way onto Ada's cheek, her face flying to the side from the pressure. The same spot Ramsay had once caressed he had now slapped. The girl didn't let one sound slip past her lips. She could take a slap especially one as weak as Ramsay's, it was laughable.

"I've had better slaps from my sister" Ada pushed, watching Ramsay's nostrils flair and in the next moment Ramsay lunged his hands forward, grabbing Ada by the throat and dragging her to the nearest wall.

Ada could feel her heart in her stomach, this time she knew she pushed him too far. Rage filled his eyes. "You got yourself into this mess! you wanted to play hero and save little Rickon. This is only the consequence of your own actions." Ramsay growled. "But oh- how it's working out in my favour. Thanks to you, I'll be Lord Of Winterfell." He hissed, a half smirk growing on his disgusting face.

Ramsay squeezed tighter as Ada clawed at his arms, trying her absolute best to release his grip but he was much stronger compared to her. He could quite literally kill her with his bare hands. Terror coursed throughout Ada's body the more her vision grew fuzzy.

Ramsay seemed to take notice of her eyes fluttering shut and released his grip, but not before gripping her shoulders and forcing her further to the wall. "If you're smart, you'll keep your mouth shut from now on." He commanded sharply, letting her go as she fell helplessly to the ground.


It was a few hours later since the incident between Ada and Ramsay. After he had almost choked her to death he demanded her to get ready and dress nicely since she's having dinner with Roose and his wife Walda.

Roose, Roose Bolton. Ada thought over and over, going stiff at his name. He was the same man who plunged a knife before her brothers very heart.

Ada knew this was going to be a very eventful night and in this moment she wished for the ground to openly swallow her whole, she couldn't imagine anything worse.

She missed Jon, she missed Arya, Bran, hell.. she even missed Sansa and that said a lot since the two girls were always at each others throats, them being polar opposites.

In all truth though, she missed Aspen the most — her gorgeous Direwolf. She knew Jon and Ghost would take care of him and for that she was forever grateful.

As soon as Ada stepped foot into the hall, she took notice of a slightly large women, with a man she assumed was Roose on her left.

Ramsay and Ada took seats opposite the two, Ada facing Roose and Ramsay facing Walda. There was a heavy silence, other than a scruffy looking boy who was scurrying back and forth the hall.

This was the first time Ada has ever met her brothers murderer in the flesh. She dreamed of this moment, not the dinner part — the part where her sword was through his chest, but that's all it was, a dream. A dream she was willing to make reality.

Ada's mouth suddenly went dry, all she could picture was the different ways she'd kill him, slowly but painfully. It made her smile to herself for a quick moment, but it left as fast as it appeared, seeing as she locked eyes with Roose Bolton himself.

"I trust you find your chambers suitable, My lady?" Roose interrupted.

"Yes, thank you. My Lord." Ada replied, her eye twitching at the sound of his voice. She looked anywhere but the man's eyes, fighting the urge to pick up a table knife and stab it directly through his cold heart.

"Allow me." Ramsay muttered, pouring Ada a drink with a smile on his face, not a smirk or grin a seemingly genuine smile but Ada knew it was a front for his Father.

"Mother." Ramsay smiled, offering her a drink also. "Thank you, Ramsay." She smiled sweetly, taking a sip of her drink.

Ramsay instantly picked up on Ada's tense body and shaking hands. He gave her a knowing look, roughly squeezing her thigh. "Behave." He mouthed and all she could do was comply.

The next minute Ramsay sprung up from his seat, preparing to make a toast. "My Lady, we are all a family, we northerners. Our blood ties go back thousands of years. So I'd like to drink to our wedding."

Ada tensed at the word wedding, a wave of sickness washing over her. She never wanted to marry like this, In fact, she never wanted to marry at all. She wanted to sail off into the unknown with Arya and Aspen.

Regardless of what she wanted, she knew this day would come. It's expected of most, if not all women when they're sold off. The only difference was, Ada wasn't sold. She offered herself, hoping to have somehow got rickon out before all these problems would occur. She should of knew better, she was a fool.

All she'd be good for is giving Ramsay the Lord of Winterfell title and to eventually bare his children so the Bolton name will go on and that's the last thing Ada wanted. She wanted the Boltons extinct. 

"May our happiness spread from Moat Cailin to the last hearth." Ramsay finished, raising his chalice and the Bolton family said cheers to Ramsay and Ada's soon to be wedding.

"It must be difficult for you being in a strange place." Walda spoke up as Ramsay sat down, gripping Ada's hand, causing her to shiver at the unexpected touch.

"This isn't a strange place. This is my home. It's the people who are strange." Ada hinted evidently, Ramsay giving her a side eye.

"You're right." Ramsay agreed, a sadistic smile on his face. "Very strange." He accepted, chugging the rest of his drink. This was going to be a long night.

"More wine, please." Ramsay called out to the shabby boy who Ada only saw the back of not too long ago. Minutes later, the boy came trudging through the hall arch, a singular jug of wine tightly grasped in his two hands.

The boy got closer, Ada eventually being able to make out those so familiar bluey-green eyes she once adored to stare deep into. "Theon?!" She gasped, his sad and lost eyes connecting with her own.

ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴡᴏʟꜰ , ᴿᵃᵐˢᵃʸ ᴮᵒˡᵗᵒⁿ Where stories live. Discover now