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"Castle Black isn't defended on the southern side and the few men left are barely men at all. Farm boys and thieves. With a small force we could storm the castle and kill Jon Snow." Ramsay spoke, as Ada pressed her ear against the door, listening to Ramsay and his father plot against her brother.

Her face hardened at Ramsay's words, she knew he was planning on killing her brother but not like this. They were meant to fight like real men in battle, but she should of known Ramsay would find a way to be one step ahead, he always did.

Ambushing Castle Black that had lost most of it's fighting men was an unfair strategy and Ada could only wonder if Jon had gone back since the last time they were there, they were leaving, but now Ada being back at Winterfell and the Bolton's still holding it, Jon would have no where else to go but back to Castle Black.

"Murder the Lord Commander of the nights watch? You'd unite every house in the North against us." Roose declared.

"We don't need every house in the North." Ramsay responded slyly. "The Umbers, the Manderlys, and the Karstarks command more soldiers than all the other houses combined. With their support, none could challenge us."

"The Starks lost my house the day King Robb cut off my fathers head. It's time for new blood in the North." Lord Karstark claimed as Ada rolled her eyes.

"If you acquire a reputation as a mad dog, you'll be treated as a mad dog." Ada heard Roose say to Ramsay and she took that opportunity to swing the doors open, revealing herself to the men who snapped their heads towards her.

"I think it's a little late for that." Ada admitted as she strolled into the hall with the 3 men. "He's been known as a mad dog for quite some time."

"Ah! my wife, how lovely of you to join us." Ramsay smiled, approaching her like prey, his face unusually smiley which made Ada tilt her head in curiosity.

"Hold your tongue before my father and men." He whispered nastily in her ear, his hands firmly planted on her hips, as he quickly pecked her cheek, afterwards facing his father with a hoaxed smile.

Ada took no notice of her husband and walked towards the map that was sprawled out on the wooden table. It was full of chest pieces that represented each of the houses.

"Plotting against my brother I see." Ada hummed, as their plan showed the ways they'd trap her brother in Castle Black and slaughter them one by one. "This isn't very fair is it?"

Ramsay appeared from behind her, his head resting on her shoulder as he eyed the map. "You question my ways, dear wife?"

"Your way is a cowards way. You're too scared to battle my brother so you'll kill him when he least expects it." Ada spelled out. "Smart, but like I said, a cowards way."

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