chapter eighteen

En başından başla

"Tomorrow?" I widened my eyes, the smile falling from my face.

I had promised Logan that nothing was going on. And I had a date with him as well. But that happened to be tomorrow night and by then, I would already be in one of London's best hotels.

I shook my head 'no' and looked down at my feet, "I'm afraid I can't, Mr. Irwin."

"Why not?" he asked, Ashton's hands trailing up and down my back.

"Yesterday, I called Logan to pick me up and I was drunk and mad and we kissed. And he asked me on a date." I explained, and Ashton looked down at me with careful eyes.

"Just to make sure," Ashton said, stopping his movements, "you don't like him, do you?"

"No, Mr. Irwin. Not at all," I smiled.

"But," Ashton said, the smile returning to his face, "he's obsessed with you. Move the date to tonight. Tell him you must leave."

It was four in the afternoon already. But I was sure that Logan woudln't mind.

"Yes, sir."

"Oh, shut up," Ashton smiled, pressing his lips onto mine softly.

Until we heard the clear of a throat.

Both of us jumped back and pretended to be doing something else. But the guy that had seen us laughed, "I saw that."

As I swished around, I saw the one and only Luke Hemmings, standing in legitimately jeans and a dress shirt. He spoke once again, "Pretty sure that is not in her resume, boss."

"What do you want?" Ashton asked roughly, in a way I could never imagine he could speak.

"I believe we have business to discuss."

Ashton chuckled, getting his briefcase, "I have a busy schedule."

"Then make some time, unless you want the picture I just took of you two to go to Mr. Robald himself."


Ashton was in his office with Luke, for three hours. Hell, he had apparently ordered delivery into his office, and I wasn't allowed anywhere near. Last time I checked, Luke wasn't this good with negociating. I don't know, maybe it was that he had a soft spot for me.

I had finished the agenda around an hour ago, and I took the time to color-code and even delivered the schedule to Mr. Robald coming out of his next meeting in the next building. Ever since, I have had absolutely nothing to do.

Once I had heard the door open, I shot out of my seat and caught Luke walking out of the door, "Luke."

"I have to get going. Thanks for the talk the other day. You saved my life," Luke said, kissing my cheek and hugging me. Then, he walked away, as if he had somewhere to be.

The lights had dimmed outside my window, and by now it was night time and I was so glad that I hadn't messed up my make up during the day because this is how I would be going on a date. I know, no need to tell me.

I knocked on the door that was already open and walked in, shutting it behind me. Ashtonwas rubbing both his temples with one hand as he closed his eyes, but once he heard my footsteps, he looked up and tiredly smiled, "Hey."

"Hi, Ash," I said, looking down at him and placing my hand on the arm of the sofa he was sitting on.

Ashton chuckled, "Ash," then, he grabbed my hand and pulled me down so that I could sit on his lap, my back on Ashton's chest, "I like it when you say it."

"What is going on?" I asked, looking down at him as he held my hand.

"Well, " Ashton began saying , "Luke must have read Business for Dummies or taken a course behind my back because he put up a hell of a deal. He had the picture of us and threatened to expose it, not to Mr. Robald but to the press. It could ruin everything."

"Well, what did he ask for?" I asked, playing around with the buttons on his shirt.

"A five year contract with the Ravens," Ashton ssaid simply, but it was like he needed something else to say.

"Well, that's easy he's a good playe-"

"No, a five- year contract for all the players. That is why we took so long. We had to go through every player," Ashton let out a breath, avoiding my gaze as much as possible.

"Hey," I lifted his head with my hand, "I know it has been a rough 24 hours for you. But it's okay. Tomorrow we'll be off to London."

"And I couldn't be more excited," Ashton said, but his shoulders dropped, "but I won't see you for at least twelve hours."

"Well, then look at it this way. In 12 hours you'll see me," I giggled.

Ashton scoffed, "That's what I just sa-" then he stopped himself, making me look up and lock eyes with him, instead of looking at his shirt as I had been doing ffor the last second, "can I please send Charles to pick you up from the date; you could sleep over?"

"I don't know," I said truthfully, watching the hjope drain from Ashton's eyes, "I mean last time I went to your house-"

Ashtpn responded, almost as if he had planned out this conversation already (which wouldn't surprise me), "I know. But if we are gonna be in London in the same hotel room, we better know how to behave, don't you think?"

"Normally, I would say no," I told him, but then, I saw his eyes fill with that same hope as I uttered the words, "but you do make a hell of a business man, Mr. Irwin. So I suppose I can make an exception."


the silver lining playbook// a. irwinHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin