Shadows from the past

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The next day...

It's the last night in this city for Nikki and his bandmates. Last party here.

Everyone seems to be having a great time, except for Nikki, who seems like his thoughts are somewhere else.

He spoke to Hazel yesterday. Will she come to the party in the end? She said she didn't promise anything. But the party is just onset. Maybe she will appear at the end. He says to himself, sitting on the couch thinking.

There's no way his bandmates can't notice his restiveness.

"Hey man," says Vince. "Are you ok?"

"Yes, you haven't said a word all day," adds Tommy.

"Yes, I am," Nikki says grumpily.

"I think it has to do with the 'little Amazon' from last night," Tommy elbows Vince in the ribs and they both giggle.

"It's not about that," says Nikki and gets up from the couch.

"Then why did you go after her last night?" Tommy questions him.

"We are also curious about who this mysterious chick could be," smiles Vince. "Looks like she rocked your world."

"Leave him alone, you idiots," addresses Mick, who sits on another couch close to them, now standing up and walking towards Nikki. "Let's go talk."

Nikki glares at Mick. Does he want to have a discussion with him?

Mick is the oldest of all, he was always like a father figure for the rest of the members.

Nikki can sometimes see that he is worried about him and the rest like a real father.

So, Nikki nods without thinking much and goes with Mick to another room, quiet, safe from prying eyes, private.

"So what's the matter with this girl?" Mick asks him.

"It's complicated," sighs Nikki.

"I deduced this from last night. But really now... Who is this girl? What did she mean to you? You seem to know her. I've never seen you so stirred by a girl that you run after her. What's her name?" Mick tries to approach him with another topic, to appease him.

"Hazel..." Nikki looks down. "And she's my ex-girlfriend. She was my high school sweetheart."

"I see now," Mick nods his head, his face is clarified now. "It sounds like she meant someone dear to you. Last night when I was watching Tommy and Vince talking about her, I could see a pinch of jealousy in you."

"I wasn't jealous!" Nikki snaps like a scolded child.

Mick frowns a little at him, with his arms crossed, incapable to believe his last sentence.

"Ok... Maybe... Maybe I was, but very, very little," admits Nikki.

Intriguing eyes fall on Hazel as the blonde occurs at the party where Nikki invited her yesterday.

Hazel told him that she did not promise that she would come. But the blonde did everything possible to succeed in arriving.

She searches for him in the crowd of people, in the semi-darkness.

Further back, she sees two of Nikki's bandmates standing on the couch, drinking beer. The blond one and the other one with puffy brown hair.

She walks towards them, not really sure it's a good idea if Nikki isn't there. But she has to find out where he is.


The two men turn their curious peeks at the blonde woman.

"Oh, hey, I know you," smiles Tommy and leaves the bottle on the table in front of the couch. "You are the little Amazon from the last night."

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