The flame reheats

232 10 17

This chapter contains smut and listen to the song when I will point.

Hazel receives a reaction soon to the invitation, Nikki grabs her hand. But she didn't anticipate him to pull her, bumping into his chest, he pushing aside her blond hair and capturing her lips, kissing her hungrily.

She doesn't move, she lets herself be engulfed by the melting wave inside her.

Her legs feel so light now as she feels his soft lips on hers. It feels as if time doesn't pass.

They really wouldn't want the time to pass. Moments like these are to be savored and it's so bittersweet when they both take a break to breathe. Looking deep into each other's eyes.

Nikki is just now seeing her contact lenses. Their edge is overlapping the cornea junction.

The light of the shining stars above them, is absorbed in her lenses, her eyes taking on a particular brightness.

Listen to the song now!

"Take this as a yes," smiles Nikki, with his hand on her heated cheek, a few away from her face.

"Then let's go," she nods smiling.

A memory reaches them as they walk to Hazel's car, holding hands.

When they were lovers in high school, three years ago. It's as if they somehow travel to the past.

The melancholy of the past infiltrates him more when he gets to the car.

Nikki notices that Hazel has the same car. The one she got for her birthday, three years ago. With a few scratches, but still intact.

"I have another car," says Hazel as she gets into the car. "With this, I go out in the city only for certain events."

"And even though, you scratched it," Nikki chides her with a grin on his face. "Do you still like to drive like crazy?"

"Hell yeah," Hazel smiles. "Just wait and see."

He regrets saying that because Hazel turns on the car and slams her foot on the accelerator, Nikki is pushed on the seat. Hazel's face shows excitement.

They leave San Francisco, the car stops somewhere more isolated, full of trees and grass. It is very difficult for anyone to see them.

In a fraction of a second, Hazel takes off her seatbelt and positions herself in his lap, taking him a little by surprise at first.

Nikki smiles after her, his hands sliding down her bare legs, under her skirt. How long has he been waiting to do this.

There is no need to say another word. Their looks speak for themselves.

They join their lips in a yearning kiss, the sound of their lips touching is impassioned.

Hazel lets out a muffled moan as his tongue meets hers, bumping into each other.

They part for a moment, Nikki looks down at her chest and lifting her black t-shirt, revealing a black lace bra.

Ecstatic, Hazel watches as he takes off her bra, looking so eager.

The blonde has a tattoo with a skull down her breasts. A red rose comes out of one orbit of the skull and a knife comes out of the other orbit.

"Wow," says Nikki looking at the tattoo, leaving her bra down.

"Do you like it?" The blonde grins, leaving her hands on his shoulders. I like yours too, the blonde refers to his tattoos that he got over the years when they were apart.

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