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Ash gets the rotom bracer since he gets it as an aura grand master and gets a strange Voltorb as professor oak explained hisuian forms

Ash gets the rotom bracer since he gets it as an aura grand master and gets a strange Voltorb as professor oak explained hisuian forms

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Ash scans it

Soundproof static aftermath
Level 50
Tackle charge Thunder shock stun spore bullet seed rollout screech charge Beam swift electro ball self destruct Gyro ball grassy terrain explosion seed bomb discharge energy ball volt switch rain dance thunder wave wild charge thunderbolt electric terrain rest giga drain grass knot leaf storm tera blast thunder solar beam

E.M. locked:worry seed recycle leech seed

Ash impressive

Professor nods

Ash heads out to route 1 towards Viridian and sees 2 Oddish and Bellsprout and catches them instantly

Ash scans them

Chlorophyll run away
Level 16
Absorb poison powder sweet Scent stun spore acid growth sleep powder mega drain grassy glide

E.M locked: razor leaf swords dance synthesis ingrain secret power nature power strength sap

Chlorophyll gluttony
Level 16
Vine whip growl wrap sleep powder poison powder

E.M locked:acid spray leech life belch clear smog encore ingrain magical leaf power whip strength sap synthesis worry seed weather ball swords dance reflect bullet seed giga drain natural gift

Ash was impressed and walks

To be continued

pokemon Ash the grass king Where stories live. Discover now