Chapter 7: Where 2 Million Years have Gone

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"My name is Kohaku, and honestly I've taken quite a liking to you."

Once those words left the lips of the blonde girl, you froze up with your eyes widening, almost as round as saucers. You felt your heart stop beating for a bit as your entire world seemed to screech to a halt.

This was the first time you have ever heard someone of the opposite gender confess to Senku who had never received a single love confession from any of the female students in both middle school and high school back in the modern world. You never knew why. Maybe they assumed that you and Senku were together since you followed each other around pretty much everywhere. You never had to worry about competing with other females for Senku's attention. It was always on you or a science project.

However, now that you did have to compete for Senku's love and attention, you weren't quite sure on how to respond to the possibility of a love rival sincer having one never crossed your mind before thanks to Senku's view on romance.

A million thoughts began to enter your mind at a hundred miles per hour, not staying long enough for you to dwell before moving onto the next one. 'What do I do now?! I know Senku's not the romantic type, but what if he's changed his mind after it's been 3,700 years? Also, this girl is WAY too prettier and younger than me! Besides, what if she's his type?!'

You bit your lower lip as anxiety, insecurity, and uncertainty flooded over you and your heart, making it spiral out of control. Just when you were about to give up and have a heart attack from over thinking too much , Senku finally spoke up.

"Uh... I can't say I can give one millimeter of support for what I just heard." Senku said as he gave the blonde a grim look. "We just met and you're already professing your love? Not the way to handle an emergency."

In that instant, some of your doubts about whether Senku might be interested in this new girl, had finally faded. Although, you were still concerned at the possibility of Kohaku actually being in love with Senku and becoming your rival in love.

Luckily, that was quickly shut down by said person who pointed a finger at the young scientist after relying her hair up. Her brows frowning in incredibly over his assumption, which she was quick to correct. "I didn't say anything about falling in love! I meant I like you two as a person and think we can work together!"

You let out a sigh of relief as your worries began to disappear into thin air just like that, yet you couldn't deny the soft voice in your head that said the views Senku had about romantic relationships still hasn't changed after 3,700 years.

Well, you would change his mind real soon, hopefully.

Once you and Senku managed to free Kohaku, the sun had already begun to set, now the first few signs of stars could be seen in the twilight sky and so, the trio decided to set up camp for the night.

The sounds of figure crackling and crickets chirping their lullaby were soothing to your ears as you laid in your sleeping bag next to Senku of course. You found yourself still wide awake and unable to sleep after today's events, as you stared up into space.

Though you weren't the only one still awake, Senku and the blonde haired girl were also awake. You could hear the two of the bickering from behind your back. You turned over, getting yourself caught into an argument between the two teens.

-LIONESS?! I AM A PERSON WITH FEELINGS!" Kohaku yelled at Senku, readying her weapons as if she was going to strike at any minute.

"What's going on?" You asked.

"Your boyfriend here is being rude to me! And to think I thought you were a gentleman!" Kohaku continued. "I really think I should end up killing you!"

"B-Boyfriend?" You said all flustered.

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