Chapter 4: Weapons of Science

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"So what now?" You asked with concern written all over your face.

Now that you've calmed down, Tsukasa being bad news was really starting to get to you. And if nothing was done about it, it would mean game over for humanity before it even started.

"This guy is seriously bad news." Senku said with a frown as he paced back and forth. A deep furrow between his brows. "Then again, if we hadn't woken him up, we'd be lion chow for sure."

"We didn't have much of a choice, Senku." You said, placing a hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner.

"That's true, but he wants to revive the youth only. I'm ten billion percent sure he'll stay under control until he learns the revival fluid recipe."

"That's true," You nodded in agreement. "But how are we gonna stop him from getting his hands on the recipe?"

Ruby eyes flashed with determination as the scientist wore his trademark smirk. "Even if it kills me, I have to keep quiet about the miracle fluid in the cave."

"I-I'll do my best to keep it a secret, too!" You stumbled with your words a little, but resolution could be heard loud in your voice.

"I'm sure you will. I have no doubt about that." The scientist replied with a smile. His sureness in you made your cheeks flush bright pink and made your heart flutter with happiness. "Let's head back to the base before Tsukasa starts suspecting us."

Your head snapped up to meet Senku's gaze. A soft smile still on his face as he reached out a hand to you, waiting for you to take it. You accepted it and entangled your fingers with his. "Let's go Senku." You say confidently. With that, the back to the base; ready to face the biggest obstacle in Senku's goal of reviving all of humanity.

Time Skip

The closer and closer you had gotten to the tree house, the more scared you felt. It's not like you were going to tell the most powerful man in all of Japan that he can't follow through with his goal in mind. The mere thought of being so close to a murderer like Tsukasa sent shivers down your spine, even though you were technically safe due to being a "youth". Yet, the feeling caused your stomach to churn with discomfort.

By the time you two arrived back at camp, you were practically hiding behind Senku's tall body. You basically stuck to him like glue, your hands clenching his animal skinned tunic with a tight hold, refusing to be even a millimeter away from him.

"What happened to all that toughness you showed on the beach? Where'd that go?" Senku teased.

"Sh-Shut up," You said, annoyed but the trip in your words lost that effect. "Besides, isn't it normal to be afraid in this situation?"

"I feel perfectly normal," Senku said with a smirk.

"You're different! I wouldn't exactly call you a human..." You said as you rolled your eyes, letting out a squeak once you saw Tsukasa from over Senku's shoulder.

"Y/n, Senku," The long haired male greeted, his eyes boring into the two of you.

Senku ignored Tsukasa and simply walked past him without a single word while you gave a small maid in return to acknowledge his presence, still clinging to Senku. Amber eyes glimmered in the afternoon sun as Tsukasa graced you with a gentle smile.

You had the urge to run for the hills when you remembered hoe behind that smile was someone with murderous intentions.

The atmosphere was charged with uneasiness as no one said a word, the silence hung heavily in the air as Tsukasa refused to take his eyes off of you two - like a predator waiting to pounce on his prey within the tall grasses of the wild.

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