Pete wondered if that was his fault, if he had been too distracted by Vegas to remember that he had friends he should probably interact with once in a while. Then he realized that it was a two-way street and he was pretty sure that Porsche hadn't interacted with him either.

"What are you doing here?" Pete hoped he didn't come across as rude, especially for a friend he hadn't hung out with in awhile, but the spook and the fact that Porsche's ass was sitting on some papers that he needed was somewhat annoying him.

"Can't I just want to come see you?" Porsche feigned hurt, placing his hand on his chest. Pete squinted his eyes with a slight smile and then shook his head. Porsche laughed and nodded, giving a small shrug. "Honestly, I did actually just come to see you. Wanted to know if you wanted to get lunch today. Or if you had... other plans."

Pete didn't fail to miss the way that Porsche's eyes flickered to Vegas' office door. His ears warmed and he cleared his throat, quickly turning back to his computer to save his work and log out.

"Nope, no plans." It would be nice to get lunch with Porsche actually. Catch up a bit. Pete had a few questions of his own to hound his old friend with. "Cafeteria? Or did you have someplace else in mind?"

Porsche scrunched his face slightly as he thought before he beamed and pointed in the general direction of outside. "How about across the street at that new ramen place? I've been wanting to try it."

Pete nodded with a smile, grabbing his phone from his desk to stuff into his pants as he stood up. "Sounds good to me."

"Great!" Porsche cheered, jumping up and swinging an arm around Pete's shoulders. Porsche was quite a bit taller than Pete—not that Pete was short, he was just average, but Porsche's weight was annoying and so Pete playfully pushed him off, quickly darting for the elevator and hitting the ground floor button as quickly as he could.

Porsche ran in after him, giving him a joking glare. Pete just shrugged again and the two were on their way down and across the street for lunch.

"This is a nice place." Pete mused as he looked around. He hadn't been in the restaurant either. It was sleek with pure black booths. In the middle of the room, a large fish tank—almost too large to be called a fish tank, Pete almost wanted to call it an aquarium—separated the booths from an area with a sushi conveyor belt for the customers who wanted to sit there.

Would Vegas like this sort of place? It wasn't anything incredibly fancy but it was nice. And the booths were fairly secluded and there were all types of ramen—or sushi. Pete wondered if Vegas liked sushi or if that was something he'd be willing to try if he hadn't tried it. He knew he preferred western foods, but Vegas was exactly what he'd call "high class" and wasn't sushi somewhat more of a classy dish? Could you get classier than raw fish—

"Pete!" Porsche waved his hand in front of Pete's face who, once again, jumped, his eyes wide as he looked at his friend. Porsche gave a slightly bemused laugh and then lowered himself into a booth. "Thought I lost you for a second."

"You didn't lose me." Pete assured, slowly sitting down. He couldn't pull his thoughts from Vegas. He was acting like a damn school kid with a crush, something which he wasn't even sure he'd had as a school aged kid.

"That's good, especially since—" Porsche stopped abruptly and shook his head, picking up the menu and holding it in front of his face. "Nevermind."

Pete blinked at him and then reached forward, pushing down the menu back onto the table. "No, Porsche, tell me. Especially since... what?"

Porsche let out a deep exhale, looking like he was trying to think of something to say before the waiter got to their table and he straightened up, looking more ecstatic than he had in the entire ten minutes they'd been together.

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