"Hey, we've reached the island," he said. Everyone looked over the water to their destination.

"So, that's the second island of the Grand Line," Nami said.

"To be honest, I'm a little worried about what Miss All Sunday said," Vivi said.

"I wonder if there are monsters here," Usopp said fearfully.

"If there are, bring them back to the ship," Sanji suggested. "We're low on food since we didn't get to stock up at the last town."

As the ship cruised through a small canal leading into the uninhabited island, an eerie feeling overcame Nami. "This place looks like some sort of tropical jungle," she pointed out. "Why is it called Little Garden?" She took a look around, unable to quite shake the feeling that something was strange about the place. She suddenly heard a loud animal call, and turned her head upwards to see a gigantic reptilian bird bearing down on them. Usopp shrieked, and Nami tensed up as it swooped down in her direction.

"Mutton Shoot!" Sanji's kick sent it shooting through the air until it collided with a tree in the forest. The tree collapsed on top of it. "Shitty bird," Sanji mumbled. After that they heard a loud roar, and turned to see a tiger bigger than a mammoth making its way towards the canal. Sanji got ready for combat again, but as the tiger came closer, it collapsed onto the ground bleeding.

"What's with this place?" Usopp asked. "What could take down a tiger that big?"

"Probably something bigger," Luffy commented.

"Right," Usopp said. "I think I've just come down with "I-can't-get-on-this-island-itis."

"We should probably stay here until the Log Pose sets," Nami decided. Luffy completely ignored her.

"Sanji! Prepare our pirate lunchboxes. I can just smell the scent of adventure," he said with a grin. Nami rounded on him.

"Didn't you hear me just now, idiot? We don't know what's out there!" she protested.

"We also don't know how long it will take for the Log to set," Luffy replied. "It could be a while. We might as well make use of our time."

"Hey, would you mind if I came with you?" Vivi asked.

"Sure!" Luffy said as he accepted two small boxes of food from Sanji.

"You too, Vivi..." Nami said helplessly as she sulked.

"I really need to unwind and get my mind off of things," she said. "Come on, Carue, let's go." Carue looked at her like she'd just told him to jump into a pit of fire before obliging.

Before leaving, Luffy seemed to hesitate about something. He turned to the crew. "By the way, the conditions in this jungle seem really intense. Make sure to take precaution against the elements." Nami's jaw hung loosely. Was Luffy telling them to be cautious? That was...extremely out of character. As the three set out, Sanji called after Luffy.

"Protect Vivi-chan, Luffy! And bring back some good game if you can!" Luffy called out a quick confirmation and they left.

"I think I'll go do some hunting too," Zoro said as he jumped off the ship and over the water. He paused, and then turned back to Sanji. "Why don't you go scout for potential enemies?" he asked. "Since that Robin woman knew where we were going, it's possible that they've already sent assassins here. I'll keep a look out as well."

Sanji nodded at the idea, and then jumped off the ship himself before walking out in a different direction.

"And...we're alone," Nami stated sardonically. Usopp looked equally disturbed. "And I can't shake this unsettling feeling," she added. Usopp looked at her questioningly. "Little Garden...I swear I've heard that name before, but I can't quite place it."

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