alternative ending / part 6

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"also ivy, my friends are here, they wanna see you" mark said and helped ivy get up.

"really?" ivy said while blushing gently, holding marks hands while she struggled to stand.

"yeah, theyre waiting for you. lets go" mark said and laid his hand on her waist, resisting the urge to kiss ivy. ivy blushed deeply while looking at mark, leaning forward and kissing mark softly.

"lets go" she said before starting to waddle out the room, huffing and panting with every step she took, often taking a few beaks every now and then.

once in a different room, she saw marks friends all sitting at a table and talking. "were here" mark said and watched his friends all look up

"woah- shes huge.." one of them said while sitting up straight. ivy blushed and waddled over to a big seat that had been prepared for her. she say down with a soft grunt, lifting her flabby gut up to readjust it to be more comfortable.

"wanna show my friends how much you can eat?" mark asked

"yeah... im starving" ivy said and looked up at mark.

"its a good thing i already prepped the food" mark replied before motioning his friends to bring in the trays of food. there were 6 trays of all kinds of food. the two 5 tiered cakes really caught her eye. the food looked wonderful and her stomach had started to rumble.

"ill get your drink too" mark said before wandering off to bring out 3 barrels of that same drink she had before. "here we go-" mark grunted when he placed them down.
"go ahead" mark said and motioned for ivy to start eating.

ivy looked at the food and decided to start with a massive bowl of bacon, atleast 2 whole pigs were in this bowl.

she ate pretty quickly, she was really hungry after all. after finishing the bowl in about 7 minutes, she grabbed a tray stacked with burgers and started to eat.

mark smiled and watched her, often looking at his friends as they were mesmerised by ivy.

"atta girl, keep eating" mark praised and rubbed ivy's stomach.

it took ivy almost 4 hours to eat everything infront of her. she was so messy and so bloated. her jaw was hurting from all the chewing and she was finishing the last few slices of cake, groaning and rubbing her stomach as it groaned.

"good girl~ you look so full but youre not done yet" mark said and pushed 2 industrial sized icecream tubs towards her.

as full as ivy was she started to eat one of the tubs, moaning at the very soft pain she was starting to feel from overstuffing herself.

"thats it.. keep eating" mark said, clearly horny.

"mmh~" ivy hummed while eating the ice cream quickly. she quickly finished the first tub and moved onto the second. the second one took her a little bit longer to eat but she finished it and sat back with a sigh.

"so full.." she said and whined, rubbing her swollen belly gently with her messy hands.

"ready for your drink?" mark asked and grabbed a tube. all three of the barrels were set up. she just needed to drink them all.

"o-okay" ivy said and opened her mouth, letting mark put the tube into her mouth.

the liquid started to flow quickly, making ivy's gut expand quickly. she sat there whining and moaning to herself while this liquid filled up what little room she had left in her.

after finally finishing the three barrels, she sat in her creaking seat defeated, she was so full. her stomach was red and swollen from everything she consumed.

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