Alec: F-Funneh...?

Yandere: Shut up.

Yandere stays facing away from Funneh.

Yandere: I always knew you would show up, but never early...

Funneh: What's your point.

Yandere chuckles.

Yandere: You know what I wanted to show you all along?

Funneh continues to show.

Yandere: I'll show you..

Yandere reaches towards her side were her gun was. Before anyone could warn Funneh, Yandere quickly pulls out her gun. Turning towards Funneh and pulling the trigger.

The gun's hit was hard. Funneh went flying backwards, falling to the ground.

Gold: FUNNEH!!!!


Yandere raises a smirk.

Yandere: Just as I thought. Someone like you can't hold a gun bullet.

Yandere turns around.

Funneh: ... Can't take bullet you say?

Yandere glances over at Funneh.

Yandere: Hm. A bullet proof vest. You've came prepared. That's good.

Funneh slowly gets up.

Funneh: Good?

Yandere: Yes, because I have something planned for you.

Funneh: And that would be.

Yandere laughs. She raises up her hand before snapping.

A group of people started coming out from the shadows. Forming a circle around Funneh.

Funneh: You've got to be f*cking kidding me. Seriously? If anything, i would at least think this would be a 1v1. Not f*cking 5v1. What the hell?

Yandere: Look Funneh. You know how i gave you a visit?

Funneh: Sure.

Yandere: That wasn't to distract you and for me to go after those you love. It was for me to test your ability against me. Funneh...You're good. Which is why i can't let you win.

Funneh: Yandere, we made a deal. I give myself to you, for you to release my friends and boyfriend!

Yandere laughs.

Yandere: And you were a fool to fall for it.

Funneh: I can't believe you right now!!

Yandere turns around, walking towards Alec. She grips Alec on the chin. Forcing him to look at Funneh in the eyes as he spits blood.

Yandere: Look at him. If you want him and...everyone to leave alive. Then win.

Funneh slowly stands tall as her eyes widen in fear. Yandere walks around behind Alec's chair. Holding him by the shoulders.

Yandere: Goodluck, Funneh.

Funneh flicks open her knife and pulls out her mace. The circle starts to close in.

Funneh's mind: F*ck..


Alice: Did you guys hear that! 5v1!! We HAVE to get her out of there!!

The chief sighs.

Chief: It's not that easy. She can seriously get hurt more if we interfere. Also knowing the fact, we can't get in. Once they even hear our struggle. Not only will they kill her. But the hostages as well. Remember, once she presses her button. We can barge in. Right as for now, she doesn't need our help.

♡Lemons // YHS (Book 2!!)♡Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя