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Gemini stepped onto the stage that he had been on time and time again, letting the spotlight soak into his skin and blind him to the many people that filled up the seats of the auditorium. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome…. THE ZODIACS!!” The announcer introduced as Taurus played a quick drum solo behind Gemini, Capricorn lifting his electric guitar and Scorpio, starting them off with a bass line. The fans screamed as Gemini took the microphone, preparing himself to sing for the world after Capricorn came in with the melody. 

How did he get here? Where did he come from? Gemini was asked these questions every other day. But he never answered, letting all his pent-up emotions out by singing his cares away. Each practiced note rang through the surround sound perfectly, making the crowd go wild as the beloved band performed their song.

Gemini stomped and danced across the stage, having fun with his bandmates with each verse. He especially hung around Scorpio, knowing that the crowd loved it when he danced with the bass player who would also sing backup vocals. The song ended with Gemini facing the crowd, the devoted fans singing along with the familiar chorus as it came to a finish. 

As the final note rang out, Gemini closed his eyes and let the applause soak in, his smile never leaving his face. "It's an honor to be nominated for the finals of Battle of the Bands here in the city of angels! I hope you guys like our song! We! Are!"

"THE ZODIACS!" the band shouted with him as their fans went crazy with applause. The band stepped off the stage and Taurus came up behind Gemini, the shorter man putting the blonde in a headlock and messing up his hair. "You were great out there! I don't think I've ever seen you so pumped!" he said, releasing the lead vocalist and songwriter. 

"Yeah, that was impressive. What's got you so excited?" Capricorn asked, pushing his sweat soaked brown hair back, panting from the leftover adrenaline. Scorpio wrapped an arm around Gemini's shoulders. "If you say you were thinking about your ex again, I might slap you." he said, pointing a suspicious finger at him. Gemini shrugged Scorpio's arm off and pushed up his glasses over his bright blue eyes. "No. Honestly, I wasn't. For the first time in three years, I wasn't." Gemini said, a genuine smile crinkling the corners of his eyes. 

Scorpio smirked and flipped his long black hair out of his eyes. "Good. Keep it up and we might finally win one of these contests." he said, heading back to the green room. Capricorn punched Gemini's shoulder playfully and Taurus started running around like a monkey with severe ADD. "So, who are we up against again? I've been so busy brainstorming for the next album that I wasn't paying attention." Gemini asked Capricorn. 

"We're up against The Lions' Den. They've been our so-called "rivals" for a while, but we tried to stay away from them so you wouldn't feel too pressured." Capricorn stated. Gemini dawned a puzzled expression. "The Lions' Den?" he asked.

"Yeah. Taurus and their drummer have this little feud because Taurus got a bit handsy with her, so we always found ourselves up against them. But this time, we finally made it to the finals with them. All thanks to you, Gem." 

Gemini rolled his eyes at the comment until he heard a familiar voice. A voice he wasn't ready to hear again. "See? There they come now." Capricorn said, gesturing to the five band members as they strode towards the stage. A pianist, a drummer, a guitarist and a lead singer, but Gemini was looking straight at their bass player. Leo.

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