Daemion and Daeron shared a look.

Viserys sits next to Aeryn with a smile "What are you talking about?"

Viserys sits next to Aeryn with a smile "What are you talking about?"

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

Aeryn says "I am sure about how we back to Westeros"

Daeron says "No, about how Tywin Lannister ruled the seven kingdoms while father sits on the throne"

Aeryn says "As Tywin betray us but we are glad that he protect the realm"

Daemion says "Because he was greed to the throne, come on he betrothed Cersei to Rhaeger and then wed her to Robert"

Aeryn says "All of them are greed for our throne"

Daemion rolls his eye.

Aeryn says "but father learned us we should protect the throne and put our hands together because The only thing that could tear down the House of the Dragon was itself and that happened over and over."


Lyanna POV

In Riverlands, Jaime, I, and Brienne walk along a river and approach a stone bridge. Jaime says "It's a tough decision - take the bridge and risk being seen or cross the great water."

Brienne says "Silence, Kingslayer."

"Anyone can see us on the bridge, but cross by water and the current could take us or I and Lyanna could escape down the river."

" Good luck."

"It's wonderful to watch you wrestle with these dilemmas."

I ask "Which will she choose?"

Jaime, I, and Brienne have chosen the bridge. Jaime says "Gambler at heart. Wouldn't have guessed."

Brienne says "Be quick about it."

When we reach the middle of the bridge, Jaime sits down, back to the wall. I look at him worried "Are you okay?"

Jaime says "I need to rest." pulls me to sit "You too, you are bleeding"

Brienne says "Get up."

"I have these, you know, on your feet when you walk too far. What do you call them?"

"Get up both of you now." Brienne looks around, feeling nervous and exposed.

I say "Corns."

Jaime says "I never used to get corns. Of course, I used to ride everywhere, not march around like a common foot soldier wearing the same shit boots for over a year."

I roll my eyes "It's your plan"

Brienne tires of his ploy. she grabs him and tries to make Jaime stand back up. Jaime never says his problem something wrong.

"This heel is ruined. There's no way__" Jaime takes his opportunity and grabs Brienne's sword from its sheath.

I say "Don't worry he won't run without me"

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