chapter 6: dont do anything stupid until i get back

Start from the beginning

"what the hell should I say? Should I just walk up to them and just be straightforward? Like just go up to them and be like oh hey guys Im gonna go on a deathly journey to Mordor- yes exactly where Sauron lives and just drop a ring in mount doom!! I'll be back in a few months guys don't worry!!!...yeah this will definitely not be easy" she thought.

Maeral didn't realize it but she had a grim face all throughout walking after she stopped smiling. and this worried her crew.

"so, what was the meeting about?" Alva speaks up eager to know what caused Maeral to look so upset.

"um..." scratching the back of her neck Maeral explains what happened during the meeting and as further she goes to telling the story more questions start popping up from each and every one of her crew.

"yes the ring is still intact and yes it is in Rivendell right now. No we should not leave yet. Yes they managed to get humans, elves and dwarves in the same room. Yes actually everyone did start arguing at some point. It was very entertaining!" finally finishing answering all her crewmate's questions she now realized that their faces was now tinged with worry and concern.

"so...can we do anything to help? Should we even help them?" Joseph, a blond human man in his mid thirties speaks up.

"we should, and I will help them" Maeral says with her hand on her heart as she says 'I'

"wait wait what do you mean by I ? are you saying that you are the only one who will help?" Ivar, a dwarf crewmate asks me with confusion.

"yes, I will go with the fellowship to destroy the ring in mount doom."

"what the hell do you mean you're going alone? I told you that whatever the problem is we'll face it together didn't I?" radelia stands up.

"I am not letting you go to Mordor for fucks sake, alone" Radelia says tears brimming her eyes

"I'm sorry but this is my burden alone to bear....I cannot let you guys follow me to Mordor, it is far too dangerous for all of us to go. So I will go alone." Maeral says, remembering the time when she once asked a few of her friends to follow her to places none of them have ever gone before, and what happened after completely messed them three up. After that she vowed to never let anyone follow her blindly unless she knows exactly where she's leading them to. Never again will she ever make someone a slave because of her careless doings.

Tears are starting to roll down Radelia's face and Maeral can see Dar's eyes starting to go red too. In fact all her crewmates faces are filled worried or sadness, worried for their captain's safety and life.

"You all really dont have to worry about me" Maeral says with a bit of a laugh, trying to lighten up the mood "there will be another elf, two humans and a dwarf with me. There will be a wizard with me too! I will have all the protection middle earth has to offer for me, I promise" Maeral says with an attempt to reassure them. Some of them seem to be comforted by this whilst most of them didn't.

"You promise us...that you will be safe and alive by the time the ring is destroyed?" peter- with a worried expression, asks Maeral.

"I promise" Maeral says with a nod, not sure if she can fulfill the promise herself. But she has to try. For her crew's sake, For her friend's sake, For her sake

"But for tonight we shall drink and feast and have fun before I depart for tomorrow!" She says with a smile and the rest of her crew hurrah's

"You got everything you need?" Daratrine asks Maeral the next morning

"Yep, clothes check, water check, food check, medicine check, maps, story book and a few daggers check, and-" patting her sword- "sword check" she says with a smile.

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