“Brother Jiang, I heard that you will take a day off tomorrow."


"Is it because of W&W's endorsement?”

“How do you know?" Jiang Zhidong asked.

“No matter how much you hide such an important news, you can't cover it," Zhou Ruxuan complimented, "Brother Jiang, you really did a big deal in a muffled voice. I heard that several movie emperors compete with Xiao Xianrou for spokespersons, and you are really good!"

“There's no final result yet." Jiang Zhidong smiled lightly.

"I think it’s a certain. When the time comes, Brother Jiang remember to treat me.”

“I will.” Jiang Zhidong smiled, and couldn't help feeling proud when he was mocking Zhou Ruxuan for taking the lead to speak to him.

W&W's first Chinese spokesperson, this identity is enough to double his worth, and it is worthwhile for him to stuff a lot of money for the person in charge in China.
But in fact, so far, the W&W brand has not selected him as the spokesperson.

He asked for leave this time because W&W's fashion director will come to China tomorrow and will have to meet him before making the final judgment.

“Brother Jiang, Gu also invested in the drama “Journey”. Do you know the person in charge?” Zhou Ruxuan asked curiously.

Jiang Zhidong shook his head. “I don't know, I'm afraid Director Zhang and Producer Xu only know.”

Originally, Jiang Zhidong also wanted to get to know the person in charge of Gu who came to discuss the investment, but that person was very mysterious, except for Director Zhang and Producer Xu. People have never seen him.

After Zhou Ruxuan listened, she had no choice but to leave with regret.

Jiang Zhidong looked at her back and sneered. Even if he knew it, he wouldn't tell Zhou Ruxuan.

After Jiang Zhidong left, Director Zhang focused on filming Mu Xingyu's scenes, many of which involved an fight scene. Director Zhang was originally worried that Mu Xingyu would not be competent and planned to let Wu replace him, but Mu Ximgyu definitely said.

“Director Zhang, don't worry, I have no problem!"

Mu Xingyu's movements are light and dexterous, manly heroic and princely.
The extravagance was all revealed, which made Director Zhang think that he had seen the true sinking potential.

Director Zhang nodded with satisfaction after filming a fight scene.
“I was still worried about you, but I didn't expect your performance to surprise me."

"That's right, if I'm twenty years younger, I will definitely pursue Xingyu.” Mei Yu came to the set today and stayed after seeing Mu Xingyu filming.

Faced with Mei Yu's exaggeration, Mu Xingyu smiled and said. "Sister Mei, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you, I like men."

Mei Yu was surpnised, shook her head, and said regretfully. “It seems that you and I are destined to have no relationship.” Mu Xingyu and Director Zhang were both amused.

After the filming was over, Mu Xingyu returned to the hotel, put a drop of spiritual fluid in the bathtub, and took a hot bath. When he got out of the bath, all the bruises formed by the action scene disappeared.
During the evening video call, he watched Gu Yunzhou looked a little tired, and asked with concern.

“What's wrong with you? Did something bad happen at work?"

"No, Xingyu, I have a question for you.”

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