The Battle part two

Start from the beginning

"And we choos to stay and fight!" MG said firmly. Hope looked at Lizzie nodded in agreement. Then she saw Jed nod also. It was obvious tjey weren't leaving her.

"Okay." She said then putting an arm around Lizzie shoulder she smiled.

"Okay, alright listen up I may know a way to save the city." she saidthen started to tell the others her plane.

While the super squad has come to Hope's aid the Mikealson family made their way to the coven causing the storm.

'Hang in there Hope.' Rebekah thought as she and her siblings stealthily made there way to the coven.


Josie lisened to Hope's plane and it was a good one. They distract the coven teaming up with Hope's family while Hope preformed the counter curse.

"You need a high powered spell to disrupt the storm and it has to be timed perfectly." Lizzie said.

The sky began to darken again. As the five squad members looked up.

"Let's go!" Hope said jogging to the street as the squad fallowed.

"Ready?" She asked looking at Josie and Lizzie who nodded in response.

After taking the magic from the charmed pendent that held magic from Bonnie, Hope's aunts, and Hope they took off. While Hope began to chant in Latin.


The coven was about to start the next part of the ritual when they were intrupted by two wolves leaping on top of two witches and tearing out there jugulars.

"While I'm all for parties I'm afraid this one shell end in your demise." Rebekah said stepping out of the shadows only to be fallowed by her siblings.

"There's five of you and ten of us." One witch sneered.

"LECUTIO MAXIMA!!!" Two voices yelled sending four witches to the ground. Freya turned to see the saltzman twins emerge from the woods.

"I say we even the odds." Lizzie said.

So the fight between ten triad witches vs two orinals, an upgraded original, a thousand year old witch and the super squad began. Five witches cast a pain infliction spell sending the vampires and wolves too their knees.

The twins and Freya cast a spell that knocked the Coven on their ass. Between the spells vamp speed and strength, the battle should've been won in seconds but it wasn't the squad took cover in the forest trying to catch their breath.

"They're too strong we can't keep this up." MG said.

"We have no choice, Hope needs more time and we need to give it to her!" Josie replied and the squad rejoined the fight.

All the sudden a silver crescent shapepd beam shot into the sky disprupting the storm. and Hope appeared out of thin air. 

"They can't continue the ritual I dispruted the storm." She said.

"Good job sweetie." Freya said before  turning to the last four witches.

"Would you like to do the honours or should I?" The woman asked looking at Hope and the twins.

"I think we all deserve a shot." Hope replied.

"Storm or no storm you will die tribrid!" A with spat.

"I wouldn't count on it." Hope replied as the magic built up in her the saltzman sisters and freya raised their hands.

"INCENDIA!" Four voices said at the same time and the coven was engulfed in flames fallowed by an explosion that knocked everyone on there ass.

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