The Battle part one

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Mikealson Manor sunset 5:30 PM

The five squad members made a dash for the door calling out to there friend.

"Hope open the door!" Josie cried

"Hope what the hell?" Lizzie demanded franticly trying to siphon the spell with no success

"What are you doing?" MG demanded panic clear in his voice his vamp strength was none existent.

"Hope come on!" Jed added also trying to open the door.

The five squad members rushed to the widow to see hope outside looking at them. Taking out her phone she called Josie's cell.

"Hope!" Josie cried answering the phone and putting it on speaker.

"I'm sorry guys this is for the best. Trust me." Came the girls voice

"You lied to us, you never had a plane!" Cleo said sadly

"At first no but last night I had a vision and saw what would happen if you stay and fight so I came up with a plane that my aunts helped me with in case my visions were real."

"What plan?" Cleo asked she was hurt but knew nothing they did would change their leaders mind.

"A plane to keep all of you out of this fight. You need to go back to the school you'll be safe there, its for the best." Hope said gently.

"But we're a team!" Lizzie cried.

"We said we'd help you protect your home." MG said franticly not wanting to leave.

"I'm sorry but that's no longer possible!"

"Why?" The vampire cried

"Because this is my fight not yours, you all have lives waiting for you after you graduate!" Hope replied.

"But Hope you could die!" Jed said in a hurt tone.

"Maybe, but I won't stop fighting until I've taken my last breath!" Hope replied firmly. Then looking up she saw a dim glow coming from the house.

"My aunt has started the ritual!" Hope said as the glow got brighter and the wind started to blow.

"I AM NOT LEAVING LET ME OUT OF HERE!" Lizzie screamed banging her fist on the window.

Josie rushed too the wall trying to siphon the spell.

"Damn it!" She cried before rushing back to the window. "Hope I want to tell you something." She began tears falling down her face. "Jo it's okay, everything you've ever wanted is waiting for you after you graduate." Hope said trying to comfort her friend.

"Hope please," she sobbed "I want to tell you that I-" but the witch never got to finish her confession as a bright light surrounded her. Hope watched her friends crying face fade away as she and the squad were teleported back to school. Taking a minute she looked at the manor her family owned before vamp speeding away.

New Orleans
In the town plaza Finch and Kaleb along with a few wolves were putting up a good fight. Sadly, they were out matched and out numbered while the wolves Finch had found protected and got other citizens away from the battle the two squad members faught the army of vampires and the one witch who had attacked them earlier. Hope arrived in time to see the wolf and Kaleb get blasted off the roof of a restaurant. The vampire dragon Hybrid caught Finch but his wings didn't appear in time and both tumbled to the street getting barrier in ruble.

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