Hope's Wolf Wants Out

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"So what about this connection?" Josie asked she was really intrigued by the subject. "Well for starters I can't actually talk to it but I can kind of read it's emotions and in turn it can read mine." Hope began. "Most of the time or feelings and instincts are in sync but since that night my wolf and I have been at odds." She said "About what?" Josie asked "My friends mostly, while I know you guys are perfectly capable of taking care of yourselves my wolf strongly disagrees that's that's one of the reasons I'm not part of the school pack."

"Because you'd put our needs over the packs." Finch stated Hope nodded "Like I told finch my wolf is very protective of my friends, more then I am if it was up to her Lizzie wouldn't have any boyfriends, Keleb would be dead, the squad, would be disband and you wouldn't be seeing any girls other then Lizzie or myself." "Wow she really is possessive of your friends." Josie said shocked her friend nodded in reply before saying "Yes it is." Hope sighed the three then looked at the time and decided to head down to dinner.

Lizzie sat in the cafe across from MG it had been a long day for both her and her sister.  Both girls were concerned for both Hope and finch the two girls didn't interact much, They didn't hate each other but both girls had a very short fuse. While finch was some what self centered and selfish she wasn't heartless like she'd proven this morning. While Hope could also be a bit selfish and impulsive she also wasn't heartless she'd saved the school time and time again she put her life on the line countless times for the school, her sister, the squad, and Lizzie herself. However she could be impulsive unreasonable if the the person that was in danger was someone she loved.

"Lizzie you okay?" MG asked Lizzie gave a smile and nodded "The situation with Hope just has me thinking. We're lucky she did t flip her humanity switch most vampires would." She said in a voice that was a mixture of sadness and relief. "If you and Josie hadn't found her when you did she might of done just that." MG replied Lizzie nodded looking down at her plate poking her food after Josie had completed the spell to get Cleo out of Malivore and reviving Ethan both The Saltzman sisters had rushed to Hope's aid.


Lizzie arrived at the train yard to help her friend face Malivore. She hadn't noticed the red sky or or felt the winds not even the bolts of Lightning or the sound of thunder registered to her. The only thought that crossed the siphon's mind was Hope needed her and Josie. Even if she was a full Tribrid both had made the promise she wouldn't face him alone. Lizzie came to a dead stop as she saw Hope standing over a fire and her eyes widened as she realized what had happened. Despite her dislike of Landon Lizzie was hoping her friend would find another way. She hadn't

"No." She whispered first her friends parents now the love of her life, Lizzie was frozen in shock. After snapping herself out of the shock Lizzie reached out with the bond she shared with her sister screaming for her. The earth began to shake and Lizzie had to struggle to stay on her feet as she made her way to the shorter girl. "Hope?"

The shorter girl turned to face her what Lizzie saw both shocked and scared her. Hope Andrea Mikealson one of the strongest people she knew had tears in her eyes her expression was not of a fearless and powerful leader but that of a heartbroken teenage girl who had lost everything and everyone she loved. Hope shook her head despite the earth quake and overwhelming magic that would force anyone else to there knees Lizzie some how made it to her friend.

"Hope, breath."  She said Knowing she was the only one there and that her friend would destroy everything around them if she didn't calm down Lizzie did the only thing she could think of. She walked forward and pulled Hope into a hug Allowing her friend to cry.

Flash back

As Lizzie reflected on that night she also remembered telling Hope how she wanted the kind of love that she shared with Landon the kind that was soft and built on mutual respect and strengthens over time. Looking at that conversation now Lizzie was wondering any of them would get a happy ever after. She shook those thoughts away as she saw her sister, Finch and Hope approaching the table.

"Hey." Hope said quitly.
"How are you doing?" MG asked looking at her.
"Better." Hope replied she went over to get her dinner before anything else could be said. "She's shutting us out." Josie said sadly she had suspected as much during hope's explanation about the connection with her wolf. "How can you tell?" MG asked. "Well she hasn't exactly been mean or threatening to us but this morning after Lizzie and I told her we'd all help her in any way we could she told me to leave and go be with Finch, that she didn't want to be the reason we broke up."

"Should we do something?" Lizzie asked her sister watching her friend who began to make her way back towards them. Josie said she'd talk to her after dinner and keep a close eye on her. As everyone ate and talked Hope spoke very little and once they finished their food Hope went up stairs to her room. 

Night came around and Lizzie and Josie took turns keeping Hope company until she fell asleep. As both Saltzman twins lie in bed Lizzie turned to Josie. "You think she's okay?" The blond asked her sister. "I think she'll open up when she's ready." Josie replied "What do we do if she doesn't?" Josie didn't even need to think about her reply."Then we'll continue to be there for her, weather she likes it or not."

"Good night Jo."
"Good night Lizzie."

Hope tossed and turned as nightmares flooded her mind. Images of Landon's face the minute she stabbed him, her mother accusing her of failing someone she loved, and the Necromancer laughing at her. It was too much, it was also a full moon and her wolf wanted out of the nightmare! Despite the fact she was still asleep Hope's eyes opened glowing yellow. The sound of clothes tearing and bones braking filled her room.
The wolf paced its room for at least three hours before walking out the door.

It was around three AM when Josie felt a wet tongue lick her face. She opened her eyes to see a white wolf next to her. "Hope?" She asked the wolf whined before jumping on the bed and curled in a ball next to her. Josie was confused the behavior suggested she was sleep walking but she'd yet to hear of a werewolf that could shift in their sleep. Then again Hope seemed to be an exception to many supernatural creatures she could shift without pain and at will, use certain dark spells and not be affected, her blood had the same healing effects as a normal vampire before she was turned, and that same blood could heal a wolf bite.

There was also a lot about Hope that was unknown. Could she use magic in her wolf form? Were her senses and emotions magnified more then a normal vampires?  She began scratching the sleeping wolf behind its ears before drifting back to sleep.

It was the next morning that Hope noticed two things well three if you included how comfortable she was. The first was she was naked, the second she was not alone someone was snuggled up close to her. She opened her eyes slowly and looked around. She was in the twins room if the picture of Lizzie, Josie and there mom was anything to go by. "How did I get here?" She asked herself in a quietly trying not to wake the twins. Thankfully it was a Saturday so she didn't need to worry about people being in the hall yet.

She then began to think about the events of last night. She remembered falling asleep, she couldn't remember her nightmares clearly but new she was having them, the one question she couldn't answer is how did she wind up butt naked in Josie's bed? 'Why am I naked, why isn't Lizzie freaking out, but more importantly why am I the little spoon?' She asked herself noticing her current position. Those were questions for later, right now she needed to get back to her room and get dressed. She was able to get up without waking ether Lizzie or Josie before she used her vamp speed to get back to her room.

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