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His green eyes landed on me.

My eyes widened and I gasped in utter shock. It's just my hallucinations. This isn't happening.

I quickly shut my eyes, bury my face into the pillow to ignore everything else going on around me, hoping to fall asleep as soon as possible. I hide under my blanket, covering my whole body as I'm feeling his eyes on me. I feel screaming at the top of my lungs inside but it never escape from my throat .

My eyes are close, my ears are focused on the deep silence. It's night time and cold. All the neighbours are asleep and there are no longer the sounds of angry drivers racing down the nearby busy highway, or shouts of children on the playground a couple blocks down, just the tick tick tick of my clock.

Maybe I should fall asleep so when I'll wake up everything will be alright. But everything felt very very silent and cold that didn't really help me to fall asleep. I wish someone would stay with me tonight. I never felt this scared before. My feet are numb from the cold. Shutting my eyes didn't work as I'm feeling something is happening around me.

I open my eyes to meet the green eyes again. A shiver runs down my spine as it giving me a cold-eyed stare. I felt a massive boost of adrenaline into my bloodstream. I don't want it to scare me but pure fear crept over me so that I didn't dare to move. My heart feels like it might explode out of my chest. My breathing is heavy, chest rising up and down.

And then i swear i see him turning his head towards me and his lips curve into a smirk.

This time I let out a scream and hid my face inside the blanket. Sweat dripping from my forehead, a frown in my face. My mouth dropped open in shock, I can hear myself breathing, and for the life of me can't calm my mind down.

How can a portrait move?

It feels so real. And I'm very much sure it's not my hallucination which makes it hundred time more confusing. Is it possible that this portrait is cursed? Because earlier today when I bought this painting, it was the most beautiful and angelic painting of that store. Also when I was about to buy it, I swear I saw the sellers discomfort in his eyes and he made it clear he was hiding something about the painting. The reckless thing is I did not cared about those little clues. There was a glimmer of innocence in his beautiful wondering green eyes. His rosy glossy lips were slightly parted, and his front two teeth were a little bigger than the rest, making him appear more innocent.

But now, when I'm alone at night, this beautiful prince charming is no longer an angel; he's transformed into a psychotic devil.
I swear to God, I saw the boy in the painting turn his face towards me. Angelic Bright green eyes that were once innocent are now icy cold, almost dark as black forest. Those two bigger front teeth are no longer on display and his rosy lips have carved into a devilish smirk.

"You aren't scaring me." I said pulling my face out of my blanket with a shaky voice to a painting as if it can hear me and possibly will reply me. If anyone see me right now they will surely think I'm going insane. And also a bad liar. Because whatever I said to this painting is an absolute lie. My sweaty face, shaky voice and the little scream that I did a while ago makes it obvious that this painting scaring the living shit out of me.

That stupid smirk is still there but he slightly shakes his head at me as a denial.

I stay focused on his little movements. The more I focus on his eyes more I started to realize that he wasn't blinking this whole time. When I stare for too long, I feel his eyes starts to shimmer. And eventually my body become relaxed. My mind or my soul is drifting away somewhere else as if I'm going to fall asleep anytime soon. But I am awake, I am conscious, I am aware, but I'm also just lost. My heart is racing a hundred beats a second. In my head, I'm calm, my body is released but my heart is racing and it didn't stop for a good few minutes.

I just realised I wasn't blinking either.

It's not like I'm willingly stopped blinking. The fact is I didn't know it. And now that I know I still can't blink even if I try. I can't blink or take my eyes off from his captivating eyes even for a second.

Eventually my heart rate and breathing slow down. It started to feel everything around me is disappearing. Everything around him is going blurry and black. It's like he's under the spotlight and I'm into some sort of trance. But I'm aware of my surrounding, I'm rather hyper-aware. I can feel the cold breeze sucking my sweats. I can hear everything around me that is happening -- Can anyone hear running water? Yes I definitely can. I can feel my bedsheets beneath me. I'm well aware, its just my brain isn't registering things.

So simply now, I'm just laying there with my right-now-paralysed-body, deeply focusing on his shimmery eyes. Without focusing on his lips, I can still sense his lips parted. Before even trying to break my gaze from his captivating eyes, that one word just come out of his mouth--


And then everything's gone or maybe I'm gone.

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