I Can't

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After about a week Y/N has been cleared to be transferred to UCLA medical center in Los Angeles Elizabeth had to stay in Chicago to wrap up filming of Old Boy which has concluded now she's catching the first flight back to LA and she was gonna surprise him

UCLA Medical Center Los Angeles California November 30, 2012

In the physical therapy room Y/N is trying to get his leg used to walking again the metal rob damaged the nerves in his leg though it's still very painful for him to stand while also recovering from the gun shot to his torso

Physical therapist: Come on Y/N just a little more

Y/N: It fucking hurts applying the weight on my leg

Physical therapist: I know Y/N that's why we're here to build you up again so you can be back to your old self *smiles*

Y/N: No look at me I'm a broken mess I can't sleep each time I close my eyes I relive that night I freak out when I get triggered by noises *loses his balance and falls his therapist rushes to help him up* no please leave me down here *wipes a single tear* I should've died that night

Physical Therapist: Hey don't say that Y/N you have so many people that loves you and wants you to get better especially your girlfriend Elizabeth and what you're suffering from is PTSD I have a friend who can help I'll give them a call after we're done here

Y/N: I'm gonna be a bother to her she deserves someone who isn't a fucking waste of space

While saying all of this a certain blonde was quietly listening outside and it hurt hearing the man she loves think so little of himself the old confident Y/N wasn't nowhere to be seen but Elizabeth was determined to help him get back to his old self then she proceeds to enter the room

Physical Therapist: Look who it is Y/N!

Y/N: *cracks a small smile* Hi baby

Lizzie: *pretends she just arrived and didn't hear the conversation from earlier* Hola mi amor (Hi my love) Come on let's get you back to your wheelchair *she helps him up* How's he doing Leigh?

Leigh: He's improving he can stand for longer periods of time we're getting there *smiling*

Lizzie: Since it is the day before you get discharged Y/N we're gonna go out on a date since today will be the only day I'll have you to myself *smiling*

Y/N: I'm not really in the mood to go out

Lizzie: Nope we're going you can't be hold up here all the time end of discussion

Y/N: *chuckles* Yes ma'am, Leigh after I go home how's the schedule for physical therapy gonna be like?

Leigh: Well it'll be the same days as before Monday, Wednesday and Friday but it'll be a bit later than before how's 3pm sound?

Lizzie: Great! He'll be here I'll make sure of it *holding Y/N hand* now if you excuse I want to take my man out *smiling*

Leigh: Of course have fun you to and Y/N I'll give them a call and leave their information with Elizabeth when you guy get back

Y/N: Thank you

The couple decided on going to the Santa Monica pier a placed they loved going to when they were teenagers even at times they would go there when they ditch school sometimes

Y/N: *Liz is pushing his wheelchair* I can do myself liz you don't have to push me....

Lizzie: I know baby but I want to help as much as possible *smiles*

Y/N: I know it's just I can do stuff on my own I feel like a fucking bother to you...

Then suddenly a loud bang can be heard it triggers Y/N he starts getting flashbacks to the night he got shot and he starts hyperventilating

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