Death From Above

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The men swim to shore then hear the sound of two armored vehicles approaching

Vargas: Shit the army must've told the cartel where we are after we jumped

Y/N: Everyone take cover behind the trees once they exit out of their vehicles we drop them and use their vehicles to get the fuck out of here

The men take cover behind the tree line and wait for the enemy to come to them

Soap: They stopped.... They're exiting out of the armored vehicles

Price: Stand by let them get close then drop them

Y/N:........Weapons free

The men swiftly take down the cartel members

Vargas: We gotta move fast more will be on the way

Y/N: *talking into walkie* Gold Eagle actual this is Y/N how copy?

Shepherd: Loud and clear send traffic.

Y/N: We're on the move to secondary extraction be advised there's a lot of bad guys from here to the extraction we're gonna need some overwatch

Shepherd: Copy L/N stand by

Graves: Gold eagle actual this is Shadow 1 my men and I are refueled lock and loaded to provide overwatch for your men

Shepherd: Copy that make sure my men come back in one piece

Graves: Alright gentlemen let's see what this baby can do!!

Graves: Alright gentlemen let's see what this baby can do!!

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Graves: Price you have AC-130 overwatch at your disposal

Price: Copy not a moment too soon mate

Vargas: Stop there's someone blocking the road

Shadow 1 Nav: Be advised, friendlies have stopped on the road

Graves: All stations what's the hold up right there?

Soap: Shadow 1 we may have a situation here....

Parra: Muévete del camino (get out of the way)

Y/N: Go around!!

Parra full speed on the accelerator goes around the individual

Soap: On your right!!!

Two vehicle rams their convoy at full speed that causes them to flip over

Shadow 1 Nav: Friendlies vehicles are hit, they're down on the intersection.

Vargas: Bail out bail out!

Shadow 1 Nav: Armored personnel at the intersection

Graves: It's a fucking ambush, Tv get on the trigger keep our men alive

The operator begins to provide AC-130 fire leveling a building where the team is taking small arms fire from

Shadow 1 Nav: Friendlies appear to be moving at this time

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