South of the Border

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November 22, 2012 Sinaloa Mexico 1900 hours

The team consisting of L/N, Price, Gaz, Soap and Ghost exit the helicopter and then a Mexican special force operator walks up to them

Vargas: señores bienvenidos a mexico (gentlemen welcome to Mexico) Most accurately welcome to Sinaloa the headquarters of one of the most powerful and violent cartel in all of Mexico *shakes Y/Ns hand*

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Vargas: señores bienvenidos a mexico (gentlemen welcome to Mexico) Most accurately welcome to Sinaloa the headquarters of one of the most powerful and violent cartel in all of Mexico *shakes Y/Ns hand*

Y/N: Como has estado Vargas (How you been Vargas) *as the group walks to the base*

Vargas: Could be better Compa (my friend)

Gaz: Wait I didn't know you spoke Spanish Y/N

Y/N: *chuckles* My mom was from mexican descent before she passed away she made sure I knew all about our culture and obviously our language

Price: Word is Rahar is working with the Sinaloa cartel to traffic some pretty nasty stuff

Vargas: That you are right Capitán (Captain) our intel shows in the last 48 hours Sulaman with the help of the cartel he's trafficking ballistic missiles into Mexico rumor has it they got their hands on American artillery

Soap: How the hell did he get his hands on them?

Vargas: No sabría decirte (I wouldn't know to tell you) but those missiles have a range of 1,000 miles if not more.

Y/N: Is Rahar here in Mexico?

Vargas: There have been sightings of him around Sinaloa so you guys might be luck kill two birds with one stone

???: But one of those birds you will have to take back alive

Vargas: Well look who it is Kate Laswell

Laswell: Good to see you again Alejandro, *looks at the team* this comes from General Shepherd himself your orders if the intel is solid is to bring Rahar alive so he can face American justice and pay for his crimes, Shepherd has gotten Shadow Company to support you guys

Y/N: That pendejo (asshole) deserves a bullet between the eyes for all the shit he has done

Laswell: Trust me Y/N if was my decision it would've been kill order on him but Shepherd wants to bring him in understood?

Y/N: Soild copy

Gaz: He really got a PMC to assist with this op?

Vargas: We're gonna need all the help we can get Kyle

Ghost: So where to next?

Vargas: A cartel warehouse in the outskirts of Sinaloa I'll explain more on drive there vamonos (let's go)

*The 141 and Vargas enter the armored jeep*

Vargas: This is my right hand man Sergeant Rodolfo Parra

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