War is Brewing

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   I woke up early and decided to make breakfast for Beau and the boys. Zach and Larry are seated at the dining table chatting away, as I begin to fry up bacon. I hear movement from the bedroom and lower the heat on the stove, hurrying to make sure Beau doesn't come out naked. I enter the room to see him sitting on the edge of the bed pouting and raking a hand through his tousled hair.

"Baby, why did I wake up alone in our bed? And, why are you fully dressed?" Beau asks, pulling me onto his lap as I get close.

"Well, I figured I'd make breakfast for you and the boys. They're in the dining room already." I grin at his pout and kiss his lips. "Mmm, mmhmm." I feel his hands sliding beneath my shirt and down the back of my pants. "Ahh, no Beau. Not now. The boys... shit! The bacon!" I kiss him once more and hurry into the kitchen. I hear Zach giggling and I sigh, fixing my clothes. I mumble to myself. "He's lucky the bacon didn't burn."

I finish frying the bacon and begin scrambling a pan full of eggs. I season it with salt and pepper and fold in some shredded cheddar, letting it melt. I hear the bedroom door open and turn to smile at Beau, but instead burst into laughter. He's wearing a tight black t-shirt that reads Don't be a and has pictures of a psychedelic rooster and a lollipop. He just shrugs his shoulders, walking toward me. I turn back to the eggs, shaking my head.

"Baby, we definitely need to do laundry soon." Beau says, his arms sliding around my waist. I plate up the eggs and turn in his arms, kissing him softly.

"Hmm, you sure about this?" I ask, stroking the design on his chest and pressing closer. I whisper into his ear. "I thought you liked the fact I'm a cock sucker." Beau presses me hard against him, groaning.

"Oh, I do baby, I definitely do." Beau kisses me, his hands cupping my ass. I hear Zach chuckling and pry myself away. "Let's eat sweetheart."

   Beau grabs two plates, one loaded with bacon and the other with toast. I take the eggs and pancakes I made and follow him to the table. Zach and Larry look at all the food and exchange bashful glances, as Beau and I take our seats. I see Zach bite his lip and Larry turn away, trying to hide the sheen of tears.

"Hmm, it's been so long since I've sat down to a nice family breakfast." I smile at them both, Beau patting my knee. "I think we should do this more often, don't you boys?"

"Mn, yes sir." Zach smiles, Larry piling food on his plate for him. "It's been a very long time, since we've felt..." His voice trails off and Larry pats his shoulder.

"It's been a long time since we've felt so cared for... and loved." Larry says, wiping tears from his brothers cheek.

"Of course I, we, love you boys. How could we not?" I look at Beau, confused by the tears in both boys eyes now. "You accepted a vampire and his familiar as your family, without any hesitation or prejudice. You're both very important to us and I'll fight my hardest to keep you safe." Zach's bottom lip trembles and Larry gives me a watery smile. "What? It's not the first time I said I love you." Is it? I look at Beau, but he just smiles and squeezes my hand.

"No, it's not. It's just, we didn't think you were serious before." Zach says, wiping his face and bowing his head. "You really think of us as family, don't you?"

"Of course we do." I smile, reaching over to wipe a fallen tear from the tip of his nose. "You think I call just anyone my son?" The boys both grin and we all dig in to our food.

   As we're finishing our breakfast, I notice Zach squirming a bit. He keeps glancing from me to Beau and I know there's something on his mind. I set down my juice glass and tilt my head, waiting.

"Zach, son? What's bothering you?" I finally ask, watching him bite his lip.

"Uhm, well, Dad... I heard a vampire can have more than one familiar." Zach says nervously, glancing at Larry. Larry shakes his slightly, but remains quite. "And, they don't have to have a, sexual relationship." He wiggles in his seat, glancing up at me nervously.

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