Hey, Boyfriend

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"So, tell me about vampires." Beau says, kissing my collarbone as I sit astride him.

"About vampires? Really?" I ask, this is so strange. He's curious, not afraid. I actually admire that.

"Mn. I figured, asking a nearly two hundred year old man about his family is just... heartless." Beau frowns, I can tell it's just hit him that I've long ago lost any family I had.

"Thank you. I lost my family during the plague in China. That was also when I became a vampire." I sigh, boring him with that story right now seems unnecessary. "I was promised that I'd never need to worry about illness again, but truthfully, I followed him because I was lonely." I'm surprised to feel his arms holding me closer suddenly. I give him a sad smile. "So, what do want to know?"

"Well, everything, eventually. How often do you need to, feed? Can you eat human food? Is all that fluffy crap from books and movies true?" Beau's nose wrinkles and he's so adorable.

"Well, we can't turn into bats, we don't fly through the night sky seeking our prey. For most of us, the sun's rays are like actually being on the sun." I wonder if I should tell him how vulnerable I am to silver. "I can eat human food, but it's not necessary. I've trained myself to be able to go months without needing to feed, but most vampires need to feed on a weekly basis. We can feed on the blood of animals, but it's... unpleasant." He looks like he's considering something.

"Is there anything that can hurt you?" Beau asks, a worried expression on his face as he looks into my eyes. "You were out in the daylight, so I guess you're okay in the sun."

"Well, let's just say, keep the stainless steal tongue rings." I wink at him and his laugh is contagious. "There's a group of humans, they call themselves God's Light and they hunt vampires. A hundred and fifty years ago it started as a way to eradicate the more, vicious and uncivilized of our kind." I sigh, feeling his hand rubbing my back. "But now, they don't discriminate between the violent and the peaceful. They just kill any vampires they find."

"How have managed on your own for so long? You are on your own, right." Beau asks, his hand stilling on my back and his eyes practically begging me to say yes.

"I am, for the past century. Honestly, God's Light isn't even my biggest problem." I bite my lip, why am telling all this to a human I barely know? "My sire, the vampire who turned me, I took something important from him. He's likely to kill me if he ever finds me and I heard he's here in Chinatown recently."

"What? That means it's dangerous for you to be here! What were you thinking?" He asks, knocking our foreheads together.

"I wasn't thinking much. I just, wanted to see you again." I stroke his cheek, looking deep into his eyes. "You must be a witch." He snorts a laugh, but I silence him with a tender kiss. "Because I've fallen under your spell."

"Mn. That's good to hear." Beau beams up at me. "You have no idea how difficult it is to cast a love spell." He winks and kisses me, turning my normally chilly body to a roaring fire. "Mmm, shit. John, would you be okay with one more go?" He asks, licking the side of my throat. I feel him harden and swell inside me and I gasp. I forgot he never pulled out.

"A bit late to ask now, but I'm definitely okay with more of you." My hips begin to thrust, my body bouncing as he meets my every move. "Ahhh, shouldn't you... get back to... work soon?" He feels so Heavenly moving inside of me. I realize, sex has never been this good before. "Beau, ohhhh yeah Beau!" I yank his mouth to mine, his kiss ignites a raging inferno within me.

   My hips start to feel sore, but I can't stop. I shove him onto his back, laying atop and letting him thrust hard up into me. Our mouths are still exploring each other and I'm suddenly rolled on top of. Beau grins down at me, raising my hips and thrusting faster. The fine sheen of sweat on his forehead and chest just adds to his sex appeal. He's kneeling between my legs, thrusting deep inside me and looking at me like he wants to swallow me whole. His tongue slides out and glides across his lips, the sight alone drives me wild. I feel my inner walls tighten uncontrollably and he moans.

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