He swiftly rose up, and pushed right through the loud, panicked crowd. Naruto's actions caught his friends off guard. Itachi felt something was wrong. Naruto had a bothersome problem. the Uchiha wasted no time, and immediately went after the blond, he needed to know what was bothering the Uzumaki, and he was going to do the best he could do to fix it.

The blond wasn't really showing it, but Itachi noticed it. something was making Naruto panic. Itachi was worried for both Taiyo, and Naruto, he was concerned about the Blond's distress, and he was concerned for Taiyo's safety.

Obito noticed Itachi run after the blond, and quickly tried to figure out what was wrong.

"hey! Ita- Karusu! what's wrong!?" Obito screamed, he quickly followed after them.


Taiyo's chakra had essentially spiraled out of control and was becoming worse by the second. the audience was now rushing around, yelling, and trying to flee, while most of the kages were trying to fix whatever was going on.

the arena walls were already breaking, and the foundation of the place was shaking. many shinobis were escorting the civilians out to safety. Other kages were also aiding the citizens, while some kages were trying to deal with Taiyo.

Tora looked at her friend. she felt shivers run through out her body. something was wrong, and she knows it. the person she was looking at, was almost not taiyo. She backed up, she actually felt afraid.

This wasn't Tayio. something had took over him.


Tsuki was trying to make it down to Taiyo. he was far up in the audience, something was wrong. he knows something was wrong with his friend. his lips trembled slightly, Taiyo was being hurt by this chakra.

"fuck.." He cursed under his breath.


Younger Tsuki, hugged Taiyo tightly, and gritted his teeth.  The young Uchiha refused to let go of his friend.


As Taiyo first opened his eyes, he glanced up to see Tsuki. He tried to speak, but nothing came out. He pursed his lips and gave Tsuki a quick glance.

"Why can't you be careful, damn it" The young Uchiha bit his lip and murmured.

Late at night, Taiyo and Tsuki were out and about. The uchiha had to be persuaded to go on an exploration with Taiyo, and eventually Tsuki had given in.

By enemy ninjas, Tsuki and Taiyo had become separated.

Many enemy ninjas were attacking Taiyo, and he was unable to keep up with them. They were in excess. Fortunately, Tsuki had located Taiyo in time.

"I-I'm sorry," Taiyo murmured, his eyes focusing on the floor. He was overwhelmed with feelings of guilt and shame. He was the one who persuaded Tsuki to go out late at night with him; as a result, several enemy ninja attacked them, injuring Tsuki. To protect him, Tsuki had suffered harm.

Tsuki took a long breath in and exhaled; he was slightly bleeding after getting hurt while fighting all the enemy ninjas. Yet he didn't even pay attention to the fact that he was hurt and bleeding—all he could think about was his friend. He could only focus on the fact that Taiyo had almost gotten hurt.

"You know, you wouldn't have been hurt if you hadn't helped me," Taiyo murmured, his eyes filled with regret and fear.

Tsuki tore away from Taiyo. he locked gazes with the younger male. he let out a sigh, and pressed his lips together. before he clenched his fist, and let out his pointer finger out, he placed his finger on Taiyo's chest. he pointed at Taiyo and gazed at the younger male.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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