Big News

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Hailee grinned as she sat with Morgan on the tailgate of his Chevy truck. She had her guitar and was casually strumming it while Morgan fished in the lake next to her.

"Hey, Hails?" She heard him say. She looked up, pausing her strumming. He was looking at her instead of the lake.

"Hm?" She raised an eyebrow, sitting up and setting her guitar to the side. "What is it?"

Morgan grinned excitedly, setting his fishing rod down on the grass before hopping up on the tailgate beside her. "Well... I know how much you love singing, and I know how you're wanting to get your career going." He started, pausing for dramatic effect.

Hailee raised both eyebrows, staring at him. She didn't say anything, instead waited for him to finish whatever he was telling her.

Morgan continued talking. "Well I was wondering if you might want to go on my next tour with me? You'd open for me." He watched her carefully, wanting to memorize her reaction.

Hailee was speechless for a moment. Her mouth fell open and she started grinning. "What, really?" She clapped her hands together excitedly, then the smile fades. "Are you only asking me because you keep flirting with me, and you're hoping I'll say yes to a date if you get me touring with you?" She asked suspiciously. She loved the opportunity, but she didn't want to take it if there were strings attached like that.

Morgan shook his head. "No, not at all. I'm asking because you're insanely talented and I think you deserve it." He laughed. "Say yes. Your manager has already confirmed it with my manager."

Hailee nodded quickly, the smile coming back to her face. "Of course! I'd love to tour! When do we leave?"

Morgan laughed at her excitement. "Two months. You have to write a few more songs. I'll gladly help though."

Hailee nodded, pushing her guitar up. She could hardly focus as she tried to experiment with tunes and melodies. She could only think about the excitement of her music career taking off.

A couple hours later, Hailee and Morgan are satisfied with the melodies Hailee had put together. They load their guitars and fishing poles back up, then jumped in the truck so Morgan could drive Hailee home.

Almost as soon as she walked in the door, she pulled out her phone, calling her mom. She had moved away from her small town in West Tennessee, so her daily phone calls with her mom helped her when she was starting to feel homesick. However, this wasn't a homesick phone call.

"Mom? I have some news!" Hailee exclaimed once she heard her mom's voice on the other end on the phone.

"Hailee, what's going on? Is everything okay?" She could hear a bit of panic in her mother's voice.

Hailee grinned. "I've made it. My music has made it. I'm going on tour!"


Author's note: I'm so excited for Hailee. I wish I could sing personally, but I sound horrible when I try. I wish more than anything that I could meet Morgan though, or at least get the chance to see him in concert live.

As always, if y'all have any comments or suggestions, let me know! Don't forget to vote for this story if you like it!!! -K.

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