Chapter 14: The Thing in the Basement

Start from the beginning

"Come to ask how I'm doing?" She turned to her with a smirk. (Y/N) shifted her jaw and shoved down her anger.

"Uh, no. Last time I did that, I was immediately snapped at."

"Then why did you follow me?"

"Because you're being a bitch right now and it's starting to really piss me off."

Allison raised her brows and quickly moved closer to her. "Oh, I'm being a bitch right now?!"

"Yeah, you are! And you clearly didn't know because no one's telling you, so I'm telling you. Is- Is this all you're gonna do? Are you just gonna keep picking fights with everyone around you until you've got no one fighting alongside you? Because that's what it looks like right now. I come over to you because I'm the only one to do it, a-and you fucking make me a villain."

Eyes widening, Allison leaned down to look (Y/N) in the eye. "Because you are a villain. You don't give shit about me. You don't give a shit about anyone but yourself."

"Oh, really?"

"Oh, really. Ever since Five came back from the future, it's been all about you two. You're always running after him on little side missions while the rest of us wonder where the hell you are, only for Five to make us feel like idiots for not knowing exactly what he's up to. Like we aren't doing shit to help fix a timeline that he brought us to. You two have got to be the most self-centered people I've ever met."

(Y/N) pointed a finger at Allison as if to tell her to back off. "I better not ever hear you utter those words about Five ever again. He has done the most for this family. He went through decades of isolation to find a way to get back to us. He never gave up on us! He watched us die three times and saved all of us, knowing that you all would continue to be the most ungrateful pieces of shit-"

"Ungrateful! You're one to talk." Allison laughed, clapping her hands as she leaned back. "You wanna talk ungrateful? Let's talk about you! I am always by your side. I stand beside you at your wedding, I show up to all of Michael and Jada's birthdays, I hug you and I comfort you at Anthony's funeral. I'm the only one who is there for you our whole lives, even after Five abandoned you-"

"Watch it-"

"And the second I get tired of it, you call me a bitch," Her smile was wild as she shook her head. "Alright! Let's tally all you've done for me. Where were you after Patrick divorced me?"

"At your side-"

"Where were you when I was fighting to get custody of Claire?"

"At your side-"

"Where were you when I found out Claire was gone?"

"Mourning my own kids-"

"When Viktor slit my throat?"

"Now wait a second."

"When I was getting hate-crimed and beaten and humiliated on a daily basis-"

"I didn't know where you were!!!" (Y/N) hollered, completely losing her temper at this point. "I thought you were gone! I thought you were dead! What was I supposed to do?! I waited for you in that alleyway! I was hate-crimed and beaten and humiliated! Stop acting like I didn't go through a single thing in the sixties!"

Allison scoffed and crossed her arms, turning away from her sister. (Y/N) narrowed her eyes and tilted her head as she remembered something.

"Where were you when I was locked in that room, forced to look for Five? You all knew where I was. So, why didn't you try to help me? Where were you when I was making imaginary friends in the dark because I had no one else to talk to? Where were you when I was beating my head into the cement walls just to make sure I was still real?! Where were you when Viktor was beating the shit out of me?! When he gave me these scars!"

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