𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐲

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"Kiara, they need you at Table 6!" Mr. Carrera yelled across the kitchen. Kie had been working a full-time job at The Wreck as a sort of punishment. Her and her parents have been at each other's throats the last few months due to Kiara's "misbehavior". They were aiming toward boarding school at first, but finally decided to change their mind due to certain circumstances. But for once they were starting to get along again like they used to.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" She yelled back in a rushed manner trying to grab drinks for another table she was already trying to tend to out of 5. She was also currently working alone because her recent employee quit, so she was stuck working by herself for now. To make matters worse they were going through a rush hour, so eventually Mrs. Carrera decided to help Kiara because it was quite impossible to tend to that many people.

When she returned the drinks to Table 3, she made her way to the needy Table 6. "I'm sorry for the wait, we have quite the crowd today" Kie apologized politely clumsily gathering her order sheet and pen. She pushed aside the curly hair from her now messy bun to see a very dissatisfied customer.

"I'm sorry, but I think we're going to eat somewhere else, one who cares about their customers and etiquette more" stated the older rich couple very rudely. They handed their menus over with sass and walked right outta there. If Kie wasn't working she would've given them a piece of her mind. But she could only roll her eyes and move along knowing her parents weren't gonna be happy that she lost two customers.

During the rest of her shift, the remaining rush hour seemed to slow down eventually which took only a little stress off her shoulders. But she became even more stressed when she lost yet another touron group of people. And to make matters worse her father saw it happen and she was humiliated in front of everyone. She was exhausted and didn't have even a minute to sit or relax. She hoped that the shift would fly by, but that never happened once. Even when she thought she had a chance to rest another big group of customers would enter. Thankfully her mother decided to let her go once her shift was over and force her not to close or go straight home. But she was thinking home didn't sound so bad with how tired she was.

When the clock turned 8 she hightailed it out of there hoping she could get some peace and quiet for just a second. She hopped in her car set to go to the Chateau, and maybe get to see her loving boyfriend. She knew seeing him would make her feel better and maybe he would cuddle with her tonight.


After a short trip, she arrives at the residence seeing it look empty. Feeling relieved when she saw JJ's truck parked near the back porch. Which meant he was probably passed out in JB's room.

As she walked up the steps that lead to the back porch she could see lights on the inside, but it wasn't much. When she got closer she could see a few candles and what looked like rose petals on the floor.

As she made it to the door she saw him. He was holding an even bigger bouquet of lilies which was my favorite flower. And when he saw her he immediately made eye contact with her. He smiled at me which made her want to melt because that's how adorable he is. He had that cute grin that would make anybody have a heart attack.

When she fully stepped inside she could hear some music in the background and she glanced to see even more candles leading to the dining room and the hallway. "Hey beautiful, happy one year anniversary" he announced making Kie freeze when she realized that she forgot. How could she forget, she even put it on her calendar. But of course, she got drowned in her work. She was the one who was supposed to remember these things, and now she felt like a complete idiot.

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