𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐟 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐩

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"Ripping jungle break all day long. Bamboo hut, cooking a fish on a fire, and after that, you go back out and just hit the waves again. That's the dream" JJ's words had played through her mind. She couldn't stop thinking about how perfect a surf trip would be. And even what it would be like with him.

At the moment she had her toes buried in the cold sand as she watched the sun go down. She used to do this every night when she was younger but eventually grew out of it. She never realized until now how calm it made her feel. Especially after everything that has happened in the last week.

After a few moments of watching the sun slowly fall, she could sense someone was near. She learned this trick ever since she was 13 when she tried weed for the first time because if her mom caught her smoking weed in her house she would never hear the end of it. She continued to watch the sun not really caring who it was. She needed to absorb this feeling as much as possible since she may never get to do it again. It didn't last long because the figure behind me interrupted me from my trance.

"What the hell are you doing?" JJ asked rudely causing Kie to groan and roll her eyes.

"What does it look like to you. I was enjoying the calm feeling of the sun setting, but seems like I can't do that now" she responded in an annoyed tone. Before she could get up and huff and puff, JJ sat down beside Kie burying his toes in the sand just like she did.

"That sounds kinda nice right now" was all JJ said before things started to become calm once again. Of course, it wouldn't last long because she knew how JJ was, impatient. "How is this supposed to make me feel calm because nothing is happening!" JJ complained a few seconds later.

"It's because you are not doing it right, you are supposed to feel zen" Kie explained turning to look at him this time. She noticed his mouth open, but she quickly interrupted him knowing what he was going to say. "It means calm, J!" This caused JJ to nod since she already answered his question.

"Question, what are you doing here, shouldn't you be cooking a fish on a fire or something" she didn't realize but JJ did because she repeated his own words. This sentence made his mouth quickly turn to a sneaky grin.

"You remembered!" JJ announced causing Kie to turn to him in confusion. "Don't look all confused, you know exactly what I'm talking about!" Still nothing, Kie had no idea. "You've been thinking about what I said to you in the container about our dream surf trip" Eventually Kie realized what he meant, she felt embarrassed knowing that she memorized his words already.

"Yeah I've been thinking about it, I mean why not it makes me feel better anytime I dream of it" she fantasized recalling the trip once more.

"I'm kinda flattered that you remembered what I said. Also happy to know that you're thinking about me" JJ was smirking widely playing with the twigs in the sand. Kie knew what he was trying to do, but maybe it was working this time because it felt different. She could even feel her heart skip a beat when she saw him smile.

"I was not thinking about you, I-I.. just got bored... okay!" Kie stuttered nervously. She was acting like an absolute fool, he was probably gonna start thinking she was in love with him.

"You know that's a lie, you probably think about me all the time" JJ cheekily stated making Kie blush super hard. Why was she blushing, she had never done this before, especially for JJ. Was she attracted to him? No there's no way, it's JJ were talking about, she thought. The silence became loud once again, but Kie's mind was louder. Thoughts were rushing in quickly, like a river that flowed rapidly.

Even if she was thinking about him why did he care? It's not like anything would happen unless he wanted it to. She hated how much she overthought things. Sometimes things should be left as it was. Especially when it comes to your best friend you've known forever.

"I am curious, why tell me about this magical surf trip and not Pope, or something?" Kie stated out of nowhere gaining his attention immediately.

"Why not you, Kie?" JJ responded in a mellow tone that prompted Kie to do what she never thought she would do. She also noticed that his face was a lot closer than before.

Without thinking she pressed her lips upon his giving JJ no warning. Kie was so caught up in the moment that she didn't even realize what she had just done. But she didn't pull away not even thinking about what was happening. She couldn't tell if JJ liked it or not because he slowly kissed her back. Before they could continue Kie pulled away trying to not be too forceful and mainly to see how JJ was with this. JJ had been still processing the kiss and Kie felt terrible now. "Oh my God! I'm so sorry, I feel so stupid. I was in the moment and you probably ha-"

Without warning, JJ grabbed her face this time and quickly pressed her lips back where they just were. He was more into it this time, she could tell because he slipped his tongue in. It shocked her at first, but she eventually became comfortable and tried to match his pace. She even did little things like making tiny noises and trying to pull him closer than he already was. These actions turned on JJ very quickly, and that it was Kie he was making out with made him excited. Kie's actions became even more direct like moving her hands under his tank top and even trying to pull it off. But Kie knew she might have been doing too much too fast, so she pulled away with every muscle in her body.

"Wow, that was interesting!" Kie said awkwardly trying to play it off cool. JJ was still staring at her lips he couldn't stop thinking about how good their lips felt together. He wanted more, so badly but he respected Kie so he wasn't going to try anything else.

"Definitely!" JJ replied hotly still trying to catch his breath. "So I guess that answers my question?"

"About what"

"That you've been thinking about me all the time," JJ said getting that same smirk from before. This caused Kie to giggle at his constant cockyness.

"Just because I kissed you it doesn't mean I've been thinking about you," Kie said crossing her arms and turning towards the sun again.

"I mean it's okay to think about me because I can't stop thinking about you either" JJ stated quickly gaining Kie's attention. She tried to hold back a smile, but she couldn't she was too happy. "I mean I haven't stopped thinking about you since the day on the boat. I know I didn't tell you this, but this surf trip has always been my dream, and the thought to do that with you makes it even better"

"Really? I would love to do it with you too. And I do like you" Kie admitted smiley widely.

"Well, I like you too, Kie. And I don't want this to be like what I used to have, I'm serious this time. So, I guess I'm asking if you'd like to be my official girlfriend" JJ said with all seriousness showing Kie this meant a lot to him.

"Yes, JJ I will be your official girlfriend!" Kie said excitedly tackling JJ into the sand. JJ was so happy at the moment and so was Kie. This moment couldn't be any more perfect. "So does this mean we can officially plan our surf trip then?" Kie asked looking up at JJ who was playing with her hair as they lay in the sand.

"Well that depends first we have to tell the pogues and we need the gold to go on the trip. But once that's done we can begin"

"Ugh don't remind me of all the negative things going on right now. Let's just lay here and watch the sunset okay?" Kie stated nuzzling her head into his chest. JJ nodded his head and continued to play with her curls and she slowly fell asleep.

For the rest of the night, the two laid in one another's arms not worrying about anything in the world except each other.

❀𝑱𝒊𝒂𝒓𝒂 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔❀Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt