Hungover, Evie still won the prize money that went into some new clothes, her future fund, and fresh paint for the salon. Talent scouts cooed to keep growing.

"Evie!" A knock startled her daydreams. The drawer smacked shut. Heather poked her face in and frowned. "Oh, need some more ice on that. We made pancakes."


"Steve and I. Billy went home to shower, he had to give Max a ride somewhere. Come on, eat some breakfast."

Evie changed, rubbing her throat on the way out. Steve blinked at her and tried not to wince.

"I know it's not pretty." Evie pressed her lips.

"You saw me after Hargrove kicked my ass." Steve reached over the little island counter to give her chin this encouraging tap. Darling smile curling. Heather put a big plate down so Evie slid onto a stool.

"Thanks, sorry I passed out last night."

"Ice cream will be a good pick me up later." Heather kissed Evie's good side. "Want us to stick around today?"

"Ah, we can hang out tonight. I gotta clean up and I wanted to go talk to Billy about something." Evie took a bite and sighed. Steve and Heather exchanged looks. "Nothing happened. Perverts."

A beat before laughter erupted. It felt so needed this hour

** ** **

Evie tried to use makeup to cover the easier welts. Felt useless with her eye socket the size and color of Jupiter. A huff before she flicked a brush aside and stood. She left Blue on the couch before venturing out. Frost and slush marked the unforgiving winter outside. Evie had waited until Neil's car left and crossed over. Knocked.

Susan poked her head out.

"Oh, Evie, I... Dear, what happened?" Susan's wedding ring caught the light as she touched her lips with worry. Red hair piled up upon her head and a sea foam sweater dress.

"I slipped on the ice." Lashes batted. "Sorry, I caught you in the middle of something."

"No, I was unpacking the last few boxes in our garage. Shifting some furniture. Think we're finally moved in. I was just going to change and catch the bus, our shelves are bare." Susan held the door back.

"I was here to see Billy, is he...?" Evie trailed off when she heard it. The blasting music from the farthest bedroom. Shut tight.

"Yes, in his room. Evie, he's... He's in a mood and might not come out."

"A mood?" Evie studied the woman. Thin hands clasping so hard that they paled.

"Maybe a friendly face will be good." Susan decided, not convinced but too polite to turn Evie away now. "Go on ahead."

It appeared Max was out with friends. Susan disappeared into the kitchen after gesturing so Evie crossed down the hallway. Knocked and wasn't heard. Pounded harder.

"I'm busy, Susan!" Came the bark.

"Not Susan." Evie shot right back. There was a curse before some scrambling and the door yanked open. Billy in a white tank tucked into some jeans with grey socks. Lax. Chain shifting as he breathed. "You look real busy."

Eyes screwed up at her. Seemingly irritated.

"What are you doing here?"

"You left, I just...wanted to hang out. Talk, I mean." Her feet shuffled before she matched his taller posture. Chin lifting.

sins of my youth. // Billy Hargrove x oc !plus sizeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें