27: Put It All On The Line

Start from the beginning

Mori hadn't even realized his eyes had gone wide until he looked over at Taiya and saw the teen's expression. 

He had just jeopardized his entire career, his money and, Mori knew all to well, his relationship with his family. All to save Bakugou Katsuki. 

But Taiya, the childish, self obsessed little kid he had known, had never looked more mature and level headed. Mori hadn't seen him so sure of anything before this. 

"Taiya, lets put the careers stuff aside, alright?" Shimizu sighed, "I'm worried for you, kid. I know we don't usually talk outside of business but I've known you since you were five, you're scaring me.". 

"Then I'll call you back when I'm done." Taiya replied seamlessly, tapping the screen and hanging up on the woman. "Hand me your phone, I'll block her.". 

"Do you think that's a good idea? I kinda think you two need to continue that conversation." Mori said nervously. 

"We will, when this is over.". Mori didn't wait a moment longer to use his thumb to open his phone and toss it to Taiya. The teen blocked Shimizu's number and turned on 'do not disturb'. 

Right after he did that though, the sound of a call coming through rang out. 

"I thought you blocked her?" Mori asked, confused. 

"I did." Taiya replied, his brow furrowed. Then his eyes widened. "It was my phone.". 

He quickly picked up and put it on speaker, Mori wasn't sure why. 

A woman-no a girl's voice came through the other side. "Bakugou Katsuki is in Kamino in Utagawa, street seven building thirteen." The girl relayed. "This isn't a prank or anything, I'm really trying to help.". 

Taiya's eyes hardened. "Thank you." He said honestly. The girl on the other side gasped. 

"Sorry I wasn't expecting it to actually be you-I thought it was a prank or something." She blurted out. 

"Its really me." That was the closest thing to a smile Mori had seen out of Taiya since thing started. "I'll save your number to repay you, if you are actually correct. Thank you, again.". 

With that, he saved the number and hung up. He quickly texted someone else and got a reply practically before he could finish it. 

"Its been verified. Bakugou's in Kamino.". 

"Should we call your teacher? Other heroes maybe?" Mori asked, despite already knowing the answer. 

"Just drive." Taiya instructed, "Or you can let me off and I'll head there myself. You don't need to get into this much danger if you don't want to.". 

That made the man laugh. "Kid if I didn't want to get into this much danger I would never have taken that manager position. Now make sure you're strapped in tight because I'm about to get us there than google maps could ever imagine.". 

-------------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------- ------------ 

Kurogiri clicked his tongue as he put down the burner phone. 

"Things are beginning to get out of hand online." He informed the other league members. Shigaraki felt his eye twitch. 

"Why is this happening?" He demanded, "What does that actor have to do with any of this?!". 

"Actor?" Dabi asked, returning from trying to interrogate the pesky student. He was shaping up to be more trouble then they had bargained for and it had only been an hour. 

"Apparently this actor is calling for the public to figure out where Bakugou's gone. U.A hasn't even announced the kid's disappearance yet." Spinner explained, opening a bottle of water and drinking nearly the whole thing. The group was still recovering from the night of fighting. 

Kurogiri tossed the burner phone to Dabi so he could check it out for himself. The villain opened the phone and immediately furrowed his brow. 

He clicked on the actor's profile, sure he had seen him before in a couple movies. Sure, enough he had. The internet was quick to inform him that the bastard had been in damn near everything. 

It also had a lot of photos of the guy and it didn't take long for it to click in the villain's head.  

"I saw him, at the training camp." He said. Everyone immediately stared at him in disbelief. "Its true!" Dabi defended, "He had black hair and brown eyes but I swear it was the exact same face. I saw him clearly when he reached out for the blond fucker at the last second.". 

Shigaraki snatched the phone out of Dabi's hand and stared at it intently, scrolling through a few pictures. 

"What was he doing there then?" He asked. Dabi threw his hands up in surrender. 

"I have no idea. Maybe he goes to school there.". 

"Only hero students were in attendance, general studies students were having their retreat at a different location." Kurogiri cut in. 

"We'll discuss this later." Shigaraki gritted out, "We'll discuss this later. Right now its irrelevant.". 

"Alright, mr. crabby pants." Dabi rolled his eyes, sauntering off. "I'm gonna go mess with that hero student a little more.". 

"Don't go too far." Kurogiri warned, "You can mess with the restraints all you want, but we want him to join us. Don't hurt him.". 

"Don't worry." Dabi smirked, "I wont.". 


This is a legitimate question that I need at least one person to answer real quick. 

So I've had a couple people comment on my works saying stuff like 'you're stuffs always gonna be angsty' or 'its always funny with your stuff' and other things. 

So what do you consider me as being 'known for' at least to you? Like what category am I? Or am I not in a category?

I just wanna know 😭

Also yay update number two back from the flu. Heh, that rhymed. 

I don't often get to do what I call 'realistic badassery' in these fics. Usually its either a fight scene or I try to make it entertaining in a different way. I feel like the car scene with Taiya where he's pulling every string, using every connection and loose end he has to try to gather information in just a matter of minutes has a quieter sort of 'okay wow' than say, a fight scene where he smashes someone's face into a wall. 

Its not a type of scene I get to do very often, its just not what this fic or a lot of the other ones I'm currently writing demand or it doesn't suit the protagonist. Like this wouldn't suit just us or winter at all. 

The last time I got to do this was with supernova, so I'm just really excited 😊

Basically you can expect more from where that came from! 

Stay Tuned! 

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