"Okay, follow Dromarch!" Rex shouted. The tiger led them out of the smoke and into the city.


They raced out of the city, and continued to run as fast as they could, until they reach a lone tree.

"Okay! I... think that's... good enough." Rex gasped for breath.

"Meh... Tora..." The Nopon didn't finish his sentence before collapsing.

"Masterpon not run that fast in whole life." Poppi finished his sentence for him.

"How's... everyone doing?" Nia asked, as Poppi began scanning Tora and Rex over, looking for any injuries.

"Poppi not find any injuries on Masterpon. Find a few on Rex-Rex, though."

"Right... where is it?" Nia asked Rex, the boy just shrugged.

"I don't know. I don't feel any pain." Rex said.

"Poppi find flaw in statement. Rex-Rex have biiiiig burn on back!" The robot chirped from nearby.

Nia gave Rex a disapproving look, but the boy didn't look guilty of trying to hide anything. He looked confused. "I do?" Rex asked.

"Enough of that tough-guy crap, Rex." Nia said, taking the vest off of Rex's back.

"There isn't any "tough-guy crap" at all!" Rex said. "I genuinely don't feel anything." He pulled his undershirt off, and Nia spun him around to check out his back. Surely enough, there was a large burn from Brighid's sneak attack.

"You don't feel anything, huh?" Nia asked, a clear tone of doubt in her voice.

"No." Rex said.

"What about now?" Nia asked poking the burn.

"Why are you poking my back?" Rex asked. Nia raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"How about now?" Nia pressed her palm into Rex's back.

"Nothings hurting." Rex said.

"How about... NOW!?" Nia smacked the burn, elected a yelp out of Rex.

"What are you slapping me for?" Rex snapped.

"Nothing about the burn..." Nia muttered. "You must really not feel anything, but let me tell you, Rex. There is a massive burn on your back, and it isn't a very pretty one, either."

"Huh... must've been from Brighid. She did take me by surprise while I was fighting Morag."

"Well, whatever. Let me fix that up for you." Nia got to work, running her gloved hands over Rex's back, a light green glow rushed over the burn, and it began to repair the tissue and skin that was damaged, and the burn was soon gone.

"Thanks Nia. Don't know what I'd do with out you." Rex muttered.

"Yeah." Nia flicked Rex's ear. "I don't either."


The steam slowly parted as Morag recovered from being knocked back. Brighid was quickly at her backside, helping her Driver stand up. "Are you alright Lady Morag?" The blue Blade fretted over her Driver, examining the small burns and cuts along Morag's body.

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