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I was sound asleep on my couch until my alarm screamed at me rudely. I tiredly pressed the snooze button on it, falling back asleep. A few more minutes of this and I had enough. I stopped the alarm and got off my ass. I stretched my back out and cracked my knuckles. I checked what day it was. Oh, cool! Sunday !! I looked at my calendar. A reminder titled 'party at Phil's.' Oh fuck. You yawned and went to brush your teeth and hair. Phil was one of your college friends, but you never really talked to him much. You got invited to a party and said 'yeah, I'll be there !!' Like an idiot. You didn't want to go, you'd rather sit at home all day. But it's whatever, it's okay. You'll get through it. You debated on what you wanted to wear to the party. You really didn't care, so you just picked out some baggy stuff and threw it on. You looked at yourself in the mirror and gave yourself a thumbs up. You checked the time with your phone; 12PM. The party wouldn't start until 3PM, so you decided to go to the store. You grabbed your wallet and phone then headed out. The grocery store wasn't far, walking distance. You didn't have a car, so when you found your apartment which was next to everything, you knew that would be a good place to start. You finally got to the store, walking around. You grabbed a shopping cart and began shopping. While you were shopping, you ran into Lila! Lila was familiar with you, seen as you know her kid pretty well. You both waved to each other while Skid ran up to you.

"(Y/N)!! (Y/N) !!! Hello!!" Skid said, hugging your waist.

You pat Skid's head, smiling. Lila smiled at the two of you. Skid eventually got called back over to his mom and they went on their way. You knew Skid was usually a pain in the ass, but he was a sweetheart. Good kid, just got into too much trouble. You finished your shopping and went to the checkout. You paid like a normal human being and left the store carrying bags. You looked at the sidewalk as you walked home. It had become a habit ever since you'd moved to this town. It was so beaten up and cracked in some places, every crack you came across was different. It was a good way to pass the time. Halfway to your house, you heard your stomach growl. You looked up from the sidewalk to see where you were and if there were any food joints nearby. There was a Boy and Grills across the street from you. Their burgers were greasy and the fries were super salty. You shrugged and walked towards the restaurant, looking both ways before you crossed the street. You walked into the store and heard a bell ding, similar to the one at your workplace. You were greeted by a large man with black hair and a stubble. You smiled as you walked to order.

"Hello !.. Ahh, lemme geettt.. just a cheeseburger is good. And some curly fries." You said to the man behind the counter.

The man nodded nervously. You paid for your meal and waited at a table. You thought about the man while you sat. He was pretty cute. He looked pretty sweet too, maybe you'd ask for his phone number. While you sat there thinking to yourself, the man came to your table and served you your food. You thanked him and he nodded, going back behind the counter. 'Not much of a talker, huh?' You thought to yourself. You chowed down on the burger and fries, drinking some water with it. Grease ran down your chin as you wiped it. You finished your meal and checked the time; 1:37PM. You sat back into the booth you were at, sighing. You glanced towards the man behind the counter, only to find him looking at you first. He quickly looked away, blushing. You smiled and got up, throwing your trash away. Before you left, you went to talk to the man one more time.

"Hey." You calmly greeted.

The man looked at you for a moment, then spoke, "..Hello." He replied in a deep southern accent.

You chatted with the man for a little before exchanging numbers. You waved goodbye to him as he did the same. As you walked home, you couldn't help but think that his voice was familiar. Real familiar. You brushed it off for now, you had a party to attend. Once you got home you put the groceries away and brushed your hair, fixing it to look somewhat decent. You looked at yourself in your bathroom mirror and sighed. You really did not want to go to this party. Suck it up, it's just for a little bit.
When you got to the party, everyone was wearing costumes. Fuck. This was a costume party. You looked like a black sheep now. You stood in the corner of the main room drinking a little. You figured it wouldn't hurt to have a few drinks. You looked around the room you were in, looking at everyone's costumes. Everyone looked pretty cool, but you didn't care enough to talk to any of them. That was until you spotted a man in a devil costume. He was wearing a red turtleneck. Your heart dropped. Your eyes widened. Your heart started pounding. You started to think of a solution to keep everyone here safe. No ideas popped into your head, though. Your mind was yet again blank. You nervously took another swig of your drink. Maybe it was just a normal guy with a normal costume. Nothing to worry about! Devil costumes are common!! You could 't persuade yourself that this guy wasn't trouble. You kept your eyes locked onto the man. Later into the night, everyone started to get louder, drunker, and crazier.  You continued to chill in the corner, soon forgetting about the devil guy. That was, until he came up to you. You spat some of your drink out, staring at him. You looked around. He stared at you. He pointed to your drink.

"My drink??" I asked, a little confused. "You want some?" I asked again, extending my arm to the man for him to grab my drink.

He stared at it for a moment but then drank it. He coughed a little bit as his face scrunched up. You could 't help but laugh at his expression which made him a little pissed.

"Eugh.. How d'ya people drink this stuff?" He asked, inspecting the cup.

I smiled at him, walking closer to him. I wasn't drunk, but I wasn't sober either. I could walk straight but I would wobble a little. I leaned on the man to prevent myself from falling over. He looked at me with a 'what' face. I drunkenly slurred my words as I had a one-way conversation with him. He was silent for most of the time we spoke. I didn't mind. Eventually, the party ended and everyone was sent home.

"You wanna come to mine and haaangg?" I asked the large man towering over me. He nodded and I grabbed his hand, leading him to my house.

He never did anything to me. We just sat on my small couch in my small apartment together watching a horror movie. I "Oooh!"'d at one of the gorey parts of the film, cringing at the thought of going out like that. He looked at me, and put his arm around my shoulder. I looked up at him. I could see he was blushing, even behind the mask. I smiled and nestled into his stomach. He was warm and his sweater was soft. I quickly fell asleep on him under there conditions. He eventually noticed, and sighed. He laid down and placed me on top of his stomach before falling asleep.
thank you for reading !! (seriously, thank you <33)
1338 words
see you soon :-).

Sweet Store. (Bob x M!Reader) (discontinued)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz