- 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 -

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- Katherine Witherfield -

At first, I didn't know whether or not I wanted to show up on Saturday. Being in public with Billy and James would be a lot, and I don't really want to deal with that. Then again, I really want to go. I was completely torn and I spent the rest of the week trying to make up my mind. But when Billy double checked with me, I couldn't resist him. Saturday creeped up faster than I expected, and I feel all sorts of nervous.

I decided I would wear a cute red one piece with an opening along the side. It was cute and flattering, but it covers up the stretch marks I had gotten from being pregnant with James. Not that I have a problem with them, considering it reminds me of the baby I brought into this world. I just think it would be best if I hid them for this occasion.

I dress James in some light blue swim shorts that he looks absolutely adorable in. The color fits his eyes, and his little butt looks so cute in them. I smile at him as I have a little mom admiration moment.

"Are you ready?"

James jumps up and down in excitement as he runs out of his room and out to the living room to wait by the front door. I chase after him, grabbing my keys from my room on the way there. I get the swim bag, which consists of some toys, floaties, and sunscreen, and head out the door.


- Billy Hargrove -

The water is not very cold, at least not as cold as I thought it was going to be. Katherine thought otherwise, though, and argued with me about how it is inappropriate to be swimming at the pool in the fall. I ignored her attitude that was as fiery as the color of her swim suit. It covered her curves just right, and it complimented the brown of her hair. Needless to say, red is her color.

I toss the kid around into the air and he lands back into the water. He swims back to me rather impressively. He is a great swimmer, and he even refused to wear the arm floats Katherine brought for him. She watches as I play with James, smiling as he giggles at me when he swims back.

"You're like a little fish, aren't you?" I ask with a chuckle.

"Mhm!" He agrees. "I could swim aaaallllllll day." I laugh at his excitement as I throw him back in the air and in front of me, his little body splashing in the water, and I wait until he swims back.

"Do you want to learn how to swim like a pro?" I ask James, and he seems intrigued as he nods to me. I look over to Katherine in permission.

"Yeah, go for it," she encourages, and James gets all excited again.

I begin to show James the basics of swimming the freestyle stroke. "You want to have your arms like this," I demonstrate with his body, manipulating his arms in the position they should be in. I place his little hands on the edge of the pool, and he grips on. "Alright, now you want to float," I instruct as I slowly take my hand from under his stomach. "There you go!" I praise. "Now, you're going to blow bubbles." He does as I say before bringing his head back and out of the water. "Okay, now when you blow bubbles, I want you to kick as fast as you can. Keep your legs straight." He nods before putting his head in the water, little bubbles rising around his face. He begins to kick vigorously, and I smile at how fast he catches on. He comes back up, putting his body vertically against the wall, his hands grasping onto the edge of the pool.

"Good job," I say, causing a huge grin to come across his face. It goes from cheek to cheek, and I have to admit, it is super cute. This kid has grown on me, and I'm worried I'm getting attached.

James jumps to me, launching himself off the wall, and taking me by surprise. His foot hits a sensitive spot in my ribs that is still slightly bruised, but not enough that it is noticeable. I quietly groan at the sharp pain, and a look of worry replaces the smile that James once wore.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I assure, but he doesn't seem convinced.

"Its okay, sometimes I don't like to tell people when I get hurt."

"It's okay, bud," I smile to him.

"Well if you need help, just ask and Mommy can use Mimi's doctor stuff to fix you right up."

I pause for a minute in slight confusion before brushing it off with a laugh. "Thanks, little man. Will do."

We make our way back to Katherine. "James is going to be the next Olympic swimmer," I say to her.

"Yeah, Billy says I'm really good," he tells her.

"I bet you are," she laughs, and I hand him over to her. She brushes his hair away from his face and to the back. His curls, the same color brown as Katherine's, drips small droplets of water off of them. I smile at the girl and little boy I have grown so fond of.


Is he getting too fond? What do you guys think?

Thank you for reading!!


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