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- Katherine Witherfield -

My jaw had dropped to the floor. The shock hit me hard. Shouldn't this have been impossible? I mean what are the chances?

I chose Hawkins of all places because of the simplicity of the town. It was small, not very well known. It would be a place for me to start over. It was far, far away from California. I would have never had to face my past again.

Until now.

I mean why did he have to come here? Why to Hawkins? The chances were very, very low, yet it happened. He followed me, found me years after my escape. Well, I doubt he was looking for me. Unless he knows. But how could he know?

I would have forgotten his face if it wasn't so memorable. The way his hair, cut into a mullet, falls on his shoulders, the brightness of his blue eyes. His sharp jawline and the small amount of facial hair above his lip.

I saw him the second he stepped out of his stupid Camaro. He looked hot in the denim he was wearing from head to toe, spare the white shirt underneath. I recognized the girl with red hair that slammed his car's door and skated away. I recognized the song blasting from his car. I recognized my past, and it hit me like a freight train.

The girls around me stare worse than I am. They watch as his ass sways with every step he takes towards the school. I catch myself practically drooling over this man and shake myself out of it.

You left California to get away from him. He turned your world around. You are not going to be crawling back to him.

I need to stay away from Billy Hargrove as much as possible.

I wait a little to go in the school to avoid contact with him. It may be a little much, but I need to stay organized. I got myself together within the last three years, and I do not need it to be messed up. I was a stupid girl who made stupid decisions, but I learned from them. I'm smarter now, and I will not make the dumb choices I did all those years ago. I will stay focused.

For James.

I get inside and exchange my things in my locker before the bell rings to go to class. I make it through the first two periods without being noticed by him. For third period, I head into Marine Biology, my favorite class of the day. I sit into the chair near the back of the class, not sitting by anyone special. I kind of separate myself from other people due to my situation. High school kids are very judgmental.

I get myself prepared for class, pulling out my notebook and pencil for taking notes. Class starts, and I listen to Mr. Winfrey begin to talk. Our peaceful learning is quickly interrupted by a knock at the door. Someone goes to open it, and the mullet walks in.

"Ah, already late on our first day" Mr. Winfrey comments as Billy walks into the room, scanning the small crowd of students as he shrugs. "Guys, this is our newest student, William Hargrove."

"It's Billy" he argues.

"Take a seat, William."

Billy rolls his eyes and finds an open spot, which just so happens to be right next to me. Just my luck.

He takes a seat, setting his backpack onto the ground and not bothering to take anything out of it. He smacks his gum and stares at the wall. He turns his head and catches me looking at him. I snap my head back to my notes on my desk and the pencil in my hand.

"Katherine?" I hear him whisper to me. I turn my head back up to him and see the smile plastered on his face. "Katherine Witherfield." He scans my body, which is awkwardly hunched over the desk. "Long time no see, huh?"

"Yep," I mumble in agreement. I go back to taking notes, straightening my posture.

"What has it been, three years?"

"Mhm," I hum back, trying to give him a hint to leave me alone.

"Last time I saw you, you were under me on my-"

"Hush," I snap at him, and his eyebrows raise. "Can't you see I'm trying to focus?"

"Jeez, since when did you build the attitude?"

"Well you haven't seen me in a long time, Hargrove."

Even though I looked back down at my notes, I can feel the smile on his face as he stares at me. "I like it," he comments.

"Be quiet and listen, William," Mr. Winfrey scolds him.

"Yeah, William," I whisper to him.

Billy scoffs but, surprisingly, listens and he keeps quiet for the rest of class.


I pack my stuff into my car, throwing my backpack into the passenger seat. I go to close the door, but Billy stops it.

"Hey beautiful," he smirks.

"Seriously, Billy, I need to get home," I say to him sternly, trying to cover up the butterflies that start to invade my stomach.

"That's not a way to talk to an old friend, is it?"

"Hey Billy, how are you doing? How is your life going? Wanna fuck?"

He bursts out laughing at my sarcasm. "I thought you would never ask."

I roll my eyes at him before shoving his body away from the door. "Good bye, Hargrove," I say to him before slamming the door shut and speeding off.


Hey!! How did you guys like the first chapter? It kind of just introduces everything, but yall will get to be informed on more next chapter....

Thank you for reading!! mwahhhh

-Liz <3

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